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Pick of the litter
When Mike Bridavsky rescued a tiny kitten from a tool shed in rural Indiana seven years ago, he had no idea this runt of a feral litter would become one of the “most famous cats on the planet.” But Lil BUB’s wide-eyed face, with her trademark stuck-out tongue, is a feline phenomenon. She has been… Continue reading.
A reason to hope
The statistics are compelling. But numbers never tell the whole story. The bigger story is the lives Project Indiana changes — men, women and especially children — here in Indiana and there in Guatemala. A labor of love The electric cooperative linemen from throughout the state who volunteered on any of the three Project… Continue reading.
Dressed for success
By Emily Schilling Regular readers of my column won’t be surprised by this revelation: I like to dress up for Halloween. If I’m confident enough to show 274,000 readers what I look like in clown makeup (see August issue), of course I’m game to wear a silly costume to work! For years, the Electric Consumer… Continue reading.
Here to help you
Top 3 responsibilities in a day Greet the consumers — either on phone or in person. I’m the first one they’ll see or speak with. Answer questions. Many are general, but it’s my job to help consumers problem solve. Electric service requests. Starting, stopping or transfering service — I process them all. What type of… Continue reading.
Maze Running
There’s no doubt that Indiana’s autumns can be among the most beautiful in the country, with vibrant fall foliage sometimes visible for miles. Each of us has our own autumn traditions, from making s’mores over backyard firepits to carving pumpkins to hitting the road in search of prime spots to enjoy nature’s… Continue reading.
Friday Night Lights
By Richard G. Biever The Friday night air everywhere this time of year carries the whistles and cheers of another football season kicking off. For every player along the sidelines whose dream of making it big in the NFL comes true, there are thousands and thousands whose dreams will remain behind on the high school… Continue reading.
Goodwill hunting
By Emily Schilling Some shop because they have to — their shopping list rarely strays from just “the necessities.” For others, shopping is a hobby — something to do to while away a free Saturday. I, though, shop for the thrill of a bargain. Show me a 70 percent off sign, and I’m off and… Continue reading.
In with the Old
“Nostalgia,” some quip, “ain’t what it used to be.” But, that’s an old joke that’s just gotten older. “Vintage” is now in. What’s old is hotter, cooler, groovier and hipper than ever. Thanks to Pinterest, eBay, HGTV and popular TV shows like American Pickers, Pawn Stars, and (the granddaddy of them all) PBS’ Antiques Roadshow,… Continue reading.
The Royal Treatment
By Nick Rogers Audrey Campbell was shooting for a top 10 finish at the 60th Indiana State Fair Queen Pageant in January. More than 80 young women vied for the crown. Hearing her name announced as the winner was “a total holy cow moment.” “If my dress would have allowed me to fall to my… Continue reading.
Be a clown
By Emily Schilling Looking back, I’ve done some pretty interesting things so far in my life. I’ve judged a cooking competition and a scholarship pageant. Not only have I flown the friendly transcontinental skies in a 747, I’ve been sky high in a hot air balloon. I’ve buzzed around the Charlotte Motor Speedway in a… Continue reading.
31 on 31
It’s designated “U.S.” Route 31. But perhaps more than any other single state or federal highway, Route 31 truly traces the heart of Indiana. It’s really “Us 31.” Literally, U.S. 31 wraps itself around Monument Circle in the very center of our state capital, and splits Indiana down the middle. North of Indianapolis, it’s a… Continue reading.
Songs of summer
By Emily Schilling Summertime and the songs heard endlessly on the radio then go together like burgers on a barbecue grill. The right catchy melody can put you in a summer vacation mood even in the dead of winter. For me, the early 1970s oldie “I Saw the Light” conjures up a lazy summer vibe… Continue reading.