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What’s in a name?
When it comes to cats and dogs, pet lovers find all kinds of significance and meaning in dubbing our furry friends. But how do you choose the perfect one? Here are some tips that might help: Get to know your pet firstSome people have a name picked out before even picking up their new pet from… Continue reading.
Bringing home a shelter pet?
National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is April 30, so if you’ve researched the right type of animal for you and are ready to bring a pet home, now’s a perfect time. Even though a shelter animal may have had a rough start to life, many make wonderful family pets, andsome even go on to… Continue reading.
Fat Cats
By most estimates, well over half of all cats in the United States are overweight. A 2019 survey of pet owners and veterinarians suggests about 60 percent of cats are overweight or obese, a statistic that hasn’t budgedin recent years. To determine your cat’s body fat, during its annual physical exam the veterinarian will feel… Continue reading.
Don’t ignore your pet’s dental health
Taking care of your teeth may be part of YOUR daily routine, but do you also give your pet’s choppers that same kind of care? You should. Just as it is for humans, dental health is important to your pet’s overall health. Dental issues can lead to — or be a sign of — other… Continue reading.
How to include your pets in the family vacation
Sixty years ago, author John Steinbeck wrote a semi-nonfictional travelogue called “Travels with Charley” about a road trip around America. Charley was his standard poodle. A decade later, singer Lobo had a soft rock hit that detailed road trips with “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo.” While we may not be writing a… Continue reading.
The eyes have it
At least 2 billion people around the world have vision problems – but how do you know if and when your pet is struggling with its own eyesight? “Sometimes animals struggle with the same eye problems that people do. They’re just not as good at telling us when something is wrong,” said Dr. Wendy Townsend,… Continue reading.
Gift ideas for your furry family members
On Christmas morning, will the family members peeking out from piles of wrapping paper and ribbons have nary a gift to unwrap? Make sure Fido and Fluffy get to join in the Christmas revelry with some special presents of their own. They’ll thank you later. Here are some items that will help ease your pet’s… Continue reading.
Wintertime is coming
It may be only October, but if you look around, nature is beginning its preparation for winter. You’re probably thinking about winter, too: Planning to get the gutters cleaned, the furnaced checked, and the snowblower unburied from the shed and tuned up. You should also think about your pet’s needs before winter arrives. Winter can… Continue reading.
Making Your Pet Photos Bark and Purr
Nothing garners attention on social media these days like cute critter photos. The photos you make and share of your dog or cat can be just as memorable as the photos you see in magazines or on Instagram. But rarely do they just “happen.” Here are some tips to keep in mind to make your… Continue reading.
Fighting like cats and dogs
If you’ve found added comfort in the company of furry family members while sheltering in place, maybe you’re considering adding another set of paws upon your floor. Perhaps you’ve heard of a pet orphaned by COVID-19; or you think your pets would welcome the added company after life returns to normal and they are once… Continue reading.
Do spring thunderstorms turn your mighty dog into a scaredy-cat?
Does your dog jump, shake, tense up, cower, become anxious or crawl under a bed with an approaching storm? If so, your dog might be suffering from anxiety or phobias related to storms or loud noises. Just as in humans, some unusual behaviors in dogs may not ratchet up to the point of concern. But… Continue reading.
Responsible pet ownership begins with spaying and neutering
Rural residents need little convincing there’s an animal overpopulation problem. Beyond the city and county shelters, they are the ones who often must deal with the unexpected and unwanted litters dumped along country roads in the night by irresponsible pet owners. “A good home in the country” is not what awaits most abandoned kittens and… Continue reading.