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‘Never give up’

Posted on Jun 26, 2018 in Features, General

(Note from editor: David Paul was born four months premature in October 1995. Within just days of being considered even a viable infant outside the womb, he and his doctors fought for his tiny fragile life. He came home in February 1996, just about the time of his original birth date. With his family, therapists,… Continue reading.

A Golden Age

Posted on Jun 25, 2018 in Features, General

You can hardly call yourself a “Hoosier” if you’ve not heard of the “Milan Miracle” — the David and Goliath tale of the tiny Indiana high school that won the 1954 state basketball championship and inspired the movie “Hoosiers.” But there’s another Milan miracle. It’s about another David. And it’s just as amazing. It’s the… Continue reading.

Fun times!

Posted on Jun 21, 2018 in Features

Some 240 Indiana students kicked off their summer breaks with two impactful programs that combine educational experiences with memory-making fun activities.  Touchstone Energy Camp, held June 6-8 at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, offered over 140 incoming seventh graders a traditional summer camp experience while also injecting information about electric safety and electric co-ops. Activities… Continue reading.

Garfield hits 40

Posted on Jun 02, 2018 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling It’s fitting that in this issue — which celebrates the Best of Indiana — I acknowledge the 40th birthday of a true Hoosier icon: Garfield the Cat. The original “grumpy cat,” who loves lasagna and lounging around as much as he loves terrorizing Odie the dog, was created by Indiana’s own Jim… Continue reading.

Bird’s Eye View

Posted on May 23, 2018 in Features

In Indiana, a land where annual obsessions called March Madness and Hoosier Hysteria thankfully bring us nothing but net, it comes as no surprise that Electric Consumer readers’ pick for favorite Famous Hoosier would be a king of the basketball court. Larry Bird, the “Hick from French Lick,” who rose from humble beginnings to college… Continue reading.

Living in a Connected Hometown

Posted on May 22, 2018 in Features, General

When Chris Muegge went off to college in 2007, he thought his days working with his dad on the family farm were done. Leveraging his education in animal/feedlot nutrition from Oklahoma State University and then Purdue to come back to his parents’ 1,200-acre grain and livestock farm in southeast Hancock County seemed economically improbable. “I… Continue reading.

Best of Indiana 2018

Posted on May 22, 2018 in Features, General

With summer just a few weeks away, now’s the perfect time to add new places to your Hoosier bucket lists. Electric Consumer readers have been providing their picks of places to check out since we announced in March that our “Readers’ Choice Awards” would be back. After sharing their favorites in four categories — Best… Continue reading.

My checkered past

Posted on May 02, 2018 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling In less than 30 days, 33 drivers in 33 cars will be attempting 200 laps on a 2.5 mile track in the hopes of winning the 102nd Indianapolis 500.  Those familiar with this uniquely Hoosier tradition know that the Indy 500 is so much more than a one-day sporting event. The drivers… Continue reading.

Indiana catches elusive state insect

Posted on May 01, 2018 in Features, General

The Indiana state flag features a torch with stars beaming out from its flame against a dark blue field. Every summer night, that flag comes alive in the fields and forests of rural and suburban Indiana in the form of fireflies lighting up the dark blue night with their illuminating flickers. How appropriate, then, that… Continue reading.

Taking 5

Posted on Apr 24, 2018 in Features

Anyone who’s ever had cats knows they are creatures of both habit and keen curiosity. Evan Olinger never has had a cat; he and his older brother are allergic to them. Still, the high school sophomore won his fifth consecutive grade division in the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art contest in March by modeling the… Continue reading.

Live from Jeffersonville

Posted on Apr 24, 2018 in Features

By Holly Huffman “I’ll be straight up,” Sgt. Denver Leverett of the Jeffersonville (Indiana) Police Department admitted. “I got into the business to lock up bad guys.” Fans of the television show “Live PD” can certainly attest that Leverett is adept at getting the so-called “bad guys.” Leverett and his black and tan K9 cohort,… Continue reading.

Your vote counts!

Posted on Apr 03, 2018 in Features, General

Political pundits across the country are keeping a close eye on the 2018 Senate race in Indiana, calling the outcome “too close to call” even before we know which Republican candidate will be challenging Democratic incumbent Joe Donnelly for his seat. Who Donnelly, running unopposed in the primary, will face in the November election is… Continue reading.

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