Decatur County REMC
Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Practices and principles
Electric cooperatives, like other energy providers, are in the midst of the most impactful transition in modern history. As we continue to navigate through this changing environment, Hoosier Energy’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices — and the cooperative principles that underpin those practices — will continue to become more relevant. ESG refers to factors… Continue reading.
Save a life! Avoid distracted driving
Some temptations are hard to resist. An example: the allure of that “ding” on your phone, alerting you to an incoming text or call. When you’re driving, you know you shouldn’t check your phone but, still, the curiosity is driving you crazy! You tell yourself that making an exception — just this once — won’t… Continue reading.
A great day for an annual meeting
2022 Election Results Thank you to the members who voted in the 2022 director election. Here are the results: Board of directors District 1: Suzanne Parmer, Incumbent (60.4%) District 2: Carl Riedeman, Incumbent (51.6%) Nominating Committee District 1: Kathy Verseman (56.6%) District 3: William (Bill) Wietlisbach (50.6%) Democratic elections are just one of the benefits… Continue reading.
Board meeting summaries for April and May
NOTE: All board meeting minutes are available on our website, dcremc.com, once approved. APRIL BOARD MEETING Executive Session (5 p.m.- 7 p.m.) NRTC Broadband Feasibility General Session (Starting at 7 p.m.) The meeting was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein. Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present. Also present: CEO… Continue reading.
Consortium to improve fiber connectivity
Fiber connectivity in and outside the state got a boost this summer when 21 electric and telephone cooperative service providers who offer communications services formed Accord Telecommunications Collaborative, LLC. The consortium’s goal, Accord Chair James Tanneberger, president and CEO of South Central Indiana REMC, noted, is “to work with fellow providers of all kinds to… Continue reading.
Evolution of a scam
No matter if you have a water, gas, or electricity connection — or all three — utility scammers may already be targeting you. In fact, imposter scams are the number one type of fraud reported to the Federal Trade Commission. Utility scammers have been around for years. But since the COVID-19 pandemic and a work-from-home… Continue reading.
Common causes of power outages
Power outages are never convenient. Sometimes, it’s no mystery why we are left in the dark, like when lightning and thunder rattle windows and walls. Other times, an outage may come out of the blue. The length of time it takes to restore power will vary by the cause. Decatur County REMC shares outage information… Continue reading.
Working together, we can overcome today’s energy challenges
By Donna Walker As Hoosiers continue to experience rising electricity bills, it is important for you to know the factors driving these cost increases and what can be expected moving forward. You should also know Hoosier Energy and your local electric co-op are doing everything possible to minimize the impact to consumers. Over the past… Continue reading.
The best place for Fido this summer: indoors
Your dog loves riding in the car with you and playing in the grass on warm, sunny days. But when it gets really hot, keep Fido indoors where the air conditioning can keep your best friend cool. Like people, pets can suffer from all kinds of heat-related problems, like heat stroke, dehydration and respiratory distress…. Continue reading.
A/C helps you keep cool — and healthy
Drinking lots of water, wearing light-colored clothing and staying out of the sun will protect you from dehydration and heat stroke this summer. So can your air conditioner. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranks air-conditioning as the number one protection against heat-related illness and death. So, take good care of yours. If you… Continue reading.
New ways to use electricity
If you listen carefully, you can hear a quiet transformation happening. Electric appliances and equipment are becoming more popular than ever among consumers. Advancements in technology and battery power coupled with decreasing costs are winning over consumers looking for comparable utility and versatility. A bonus is that use of electric equipment is quieter and better… Continue reading.