Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
EPA rule threatens electric reliability
For the consumer-members of Orange County REMC, keeping the lights on at a cost you can afford is the focal point of everything your REMC does. Transparency is one of our core values, so in addition to sharing co-op successes, I believe we also have a responsibility to tell you about the challenges. Earlier this… Continue reading.
Pay your bill by phone
Just call 855-938-3393 Convenient, secure, and always available! Pay with check or debit/credit card. Orange County REMC uses this automated system to be compliant with stringent credit card security standards. This helps prevent credit card fraud, while allowing Orange Couny REMC to continue accepting debit and credit card payments for your convenience.
Indiana 211 connects Hoosiers
Indiana 211 is a free information and referral service that connects Hoosiers with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources right in their local communities, quickly, easily, and confidentially. Whether you need info about housing, shelters, addiction recovery, help with food, medical expenses, or utility bill assistance, just call… Continue reading.
What’s summer without camp?
South Central Indiana REMC (SCI) hosted a one-day Energy Explorers Camp for students in grades four through six, while Henry County REMC hosted a full-week Summer Cooperative Camp for high school students. While the camps are still coming of age, being in their third and sixth years, respectively, they are finding a way to raise… Continue reading.
Electricity provides powerful value
As we all look for ways to save money in this age of increasing inflation, I think about a typical daily routine and how much value it provides, compared to the money it costs. If you grab a latte on the way to work, that’s $6 every morning, a fast-food combo with a burger, fries… Continue reading.
Employee news
NEW HIRE AND RETIREMENTS We are pleased to introduce the most recent member of our team, fiber technician Dustin Rosenbaum, while also wishing three other employees a “happy retirement.” We appreciate the many years of service these individuals have dedicated to the Orange County REMC and Orange County Fiber. DUSTIN ROSENBAUM Dustin Rosenbaum started at… Continue reading.
Summer vacation to remember
Camp Kilowatt Ella Guetig, Campbellsburg, was sponsored by Orange County REMC to attend Camp Kilowatt. The camp was held June 5–8 at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston. More than 90 campers representing 28 Indiana electric cooperatives attended the event, along with chaperones from local co-ops. Camp Kilowatt featured many typical camp activities such as horseback riding,… Continue reading.
Check out our website —
REMOTE BILL PAY OPTIONS Our website offers details about several ways to pay your bill without making a trip to the office. The Pay-by-Phone service allows members to pay their bill by check or credit card over the phone by simply calling 833-890-7734. SMARTHUB Our SmartHub app makes it easy to view and pay your… Continue reading.
Real, meaningful work
When Darian Lafferty graduated from Bloomington High School North in May, she started her summer internship at Hoosier Energy. However, it would be the second time she interned for the Bloomington-based generation and transmission cooperative. Lafferty served as a high school intern — the first at Hoosier in recent memory — from September to May… Continue reading.
Annual Meeting recap
Each year, we host the Annual Membership Meeting as a way to say “thank you” to our members. It is also an opportunity to conduct important cooperative business, including financial updates and director elections. As an electric cooperative, our business model is unique. We are not owned by a group of investors, we are owned… Continue reading.
Celebrating 15 years of service
Michael Newlin was hired by Orange County REMC on July 20, 2009, as an apprentice lineman. He earned his journeyman lineman status and is now line foreman. Prior to his REMC employment, he received an associate degree in culinary arts from Sullivan University in 2002 and later earned his associate degree in applied science from… Continue reading.