Steuben County REMC
Steuben County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Angola, Indiana. As a cooperative, Steuben County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Caring for our community
Steuben County REMC crews were proud to partner with the Steuben County United Way during the 2018 Day of Caring event held in late April. Our employees volunteered their time to assist with a project at TLC-Steuben Inc. We are proud to be a part of giving back to this community. Thank you to Steuben… Continue reading.
Utility poles are not bulletin boards
It’s garage sale season, so please remember not only is it illegal to attach anything to our electric poles, it is incredibly dangerous (and could be potentially fatal) to our linemen. The slightest pinprick to linemen’s protective clothing is extremely dangerous while they are making repairs, so please, do not nail, staple or attach anything… Continue reading.
Microgrids: electricity’s future?
Tourists visiting Alcatraz learn about the island’s prison history under light bulbs energized by the high-tech future — one of the nation’s largest microgrids, which powers the site. Microgrids are localized energy grids that can operate independently. As new energy sources power more of the nation’s towns and cities, new technologies ensure that these sources… Continue reading.
Investing in our future
This summer, several lucky Steuben County youths will enjoy some educational, fun and free trips, courtesy of Steuben County REMC. At the Touchstone Energy Camp at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Angola Middle Schoolers Mason Crawford, Ethan Sanders and Konnor Snellenberger will be joined by dozens of other campers from around the state. They will take… Continue reading.
Make room for roadside crews
When the power goes out, so do Steuben County REMC’s line crews. Lineworkers are the first to respond after an outage occurs, and they work tirelessly to restore power to the communities we serve. But in order to do their job quickly and safely, their safety needs to be ensured as well, and you can… Continue reading.
Avoid the big green box
Jordan Overbee was driving to work when he saw them. The elementary school-aged youngsters were just waiting for the school bus, but they were sitting on a big green metal box. Inside was vital electrical equipment, distributing electricity to several homes on the street. “It was a bad place for a school bus stop,” Overbee… Continue reading.
Spring cleaning delivers safe, reliable power
Good weather gives us a chance to thaw out after a chilly winter. We take advantage of longer daylight hours by doing a little spring cleaning and yard work. But the seasonal shift isn’t all good news. The rapid change from harsh, cold air to warmer temperatures can trigger severe weather. To protect our lines… Continue reading.
Keep cool and save!
The summer sun quickly drives up outdoor temperatures — and energy bills with it! Rather than perpetually running your air conditioner, some strategic planning can save you energy, leading to lower electric use. Steps you can take to reduce your energy costs are to: Open the windows on cool summer evenings and nights. A cool… Continue reading.
Capital credit checks coming to a mailbox near you this month
Members, were you a part of our cooperative during the years of 2004-2006? If so, be on the lookout for your capital credit check coming this spring. The board has allocated over $197,750 to be returned to our members receiving service from 2004-2006 as part of the retirement from our generation and transmission facility, Wabash… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up grants awarded
Following the first quarter of 2018, the Operation Round Up board of advisors is happy to report that several local organizations received funding for community projects around Steuben County. These grantees include: Salem Center Volunteer Fire Department for upgrading outdated equipment YMCA of Steuben County for the Safety Around the Water program 12 local festivals,… Continue reading.