Southeastern Indiana REMC
Southeastern Indiana REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Osgood, Indiana. As a cooperative, Southeastern Indiana REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Ins and outs of outlets
When you plug a lamp or an appliance into a socket, you expect to be able to turn it on. Sometimes, though, you’ll find that the outlet is “dead.” Before you call an electrician, check a few things out: Plug something different into the same outlet. It could be that the problem is with the… Continue reading.
Diligent effort
Thank you! Hoosier Energy employees who work in operations can’t always practice social distancing to get the job done. The work these employees do is recognized by many including Merom Generating Station Plant Manager Karl Back. “Our people are responding very well to a difficult situation, which is not surprising to me with the culture… Continue reading.
To save on a/c, spend more time outside
If just the thought of easing up on the air conditioning in the middle of a summer heat wave makes you sweat, consider this trick to save electricity: Go outside. Spend weekend days outdoors. Before you leave the house for the day, turn the a/c up a few degrees. No need to keep your house… Continue reading.
Host an energy-free potluck party
If it’s too hot to fire up the grill this July 4, then it’s too warm indoors to heat up the oven. The solution: Host an energy-free potluck for the holiday and ask each guest to bring a cold dish that does not require any cooking before the party or heating during the event. Some… Continue reading.
Setting off fireworks on the 4th? Look for power lines.
If the fireworks show is in your yard this July 4, steer clear of power lines. Most people celebrate by watching a local, professional show — supervised by firefighters. But if you’re starting the performance early with consumer fireworks, here are some tips: Your fireworks might be legal, but that doesn’t mean they are safe…. Continue reading.
Our ‘New Normal’
COVID-19 has affected us like nothing we’ve experienced in this lifetime. We’ve undergone social distancing, schools across the nation have closed, jobs have been lost, incomes affected, and so much more. As our nation takes steps to recover, it has become clear that we will be embracing a “new normal” in our daily lives. Although… Continue reading.
Sharing in your co-op’s success
One tangible benefit of being an REMC customer — that literally puts money back in your pocket — is your access to what are called “capital credits.” Capital credits are simply your share of your electric cooperative ownership. This concept of returning your financial investment in your electric utility back to you is something you… Continue reading.
Apply now for an Operation Round Up grant
Since 1939, Southeastern Indiana REMC has been committed to improving our members’ quality of life. This tradition continues with our community service program called Operation Round Up. Members participate by agreeing to have their monthly bill amount rounded up to the next whole dollar. On average, these individual contributions amount to 50 cents a month,… Continue reading.
Indiana 211 is here to help
2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that provides Hoosiers with help and answers from thousands of health and human service agencies and resources in their local communities. Resources for utility bill assistance can be found by dialing 2-1-1.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
An existing program, LIHEAP is a federally-funded grant program that helps low-income households meet their immediate home energy needs. The LIHEAP fund received a sizable allocation of new federal funds as part of the coronavirus stimulus program. LIHEAP funds are distributed through local Community Action agencies. All Indiana counties have intake offices. To find your… Continue reading.