Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative
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2023 financial information
One of our seven cooperative principles Economic Participation As a co-op, PPEC is upfront and transparent with its member-owners about finances. Members contribute equitably to, and democratically control, the capital of their cooperative. At least part of that capital remains the common property of the co-op. Members allocate surpluses for any or all of the… Continue reading.
Climbing to new heights
Acrophobia — the fear of heights — is one of the most common phobias people suffer. But Steve McMichael and Dr. John Saxton are far from common — both embrace a “sky’s the limit” mentality*, both serve as directors on Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative’s (PPEC) local board, and both represent PPEC as chairmen of their… Continue reading.
Welcome to the team
CODY VANDEMARK Apprentice lineman Vandemark joins us from Lima, Ohio, where he lives with his family. He has a younger brother, a younger sister, and an older sister. “My parents love to take us out on the boat in the summer,” he says. “We have a new family dog named Loki, a Bernedoodle.” WHY DID… Continue reading.
Powering up: electric service is restored methodically to maintain safety
When a major storm causes widespread damage, electricity cannot be restored with the flip of a switch. Here’s how it’s done methodically, efficiently and safely. Every electric cooperative follows a basic principle when it comes to restoring power: priority is given to the lines that get the most back in service the quickest. Here’s a… Continue reading.
Study shows need for rate adjustment
It’s never an easy thing to introduce a rate adjustment, but later this year, your cooperative will be making an adjustment to recover the increasing costs of operation. After our board makes its final considerations and gives approval of the new rate structure, we will provide additional details. Our not-for-profit business model places the focus… Continue reading.
Meet your Board of Trustees
Because no other members submitted petitions to run for the board, no formal election is needed. This saves the co-op mail costs. The three incumbent trustees will be re-elected by affirmation. Members in Districts 3, 7, and 8 will not receive a ballot to vote in the election. DISTRICT 3: UNCONTESTED Paulding County (Ohio) townships… Continue reading.
$4 million in reliability investments slated for 2024
This year, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) is planning $4 million in investments focused on system improvements that will directly increase the co-op’s service reliability and maintain existing facilities. This year begins a new four-year construction work plan addressing system growth, proactive maintenance efforts, and SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) improvements to reduce outage… Continue reading.