Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative
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Unmatched value
Our 2023 theme, “Unmatched Value,” gets straight to the point — your co-op membership provides an unbeatable return for the investment. At the heart of our mission is the relentless pursuit of value for our members. Your ownership in this not-for-profit co-op is different from being a customer of an investor-owned utility. Your membership represents… Continue reading.
2023 Treasurer’s Report
Your cooperative continued to perform well in 2023. Although we saw kilowatt-hour purchases and sales decline by more than 5% each — mostly due to moderate weather — financial goals were still achieved. Total margins exceeded $4.3 million and were above budget by $809,000, or 23%. This was achieved due to lower operating expenses (under… Continue reading.
Celebrating Our Lineworkers
You probably don’t think about them until your power goes out, but electric lineworkers protect our homes and communities 24 hours a day. Like other first responders who keep us safe, lineworkers endure all kinds of weather and challenging conditions. In April, we celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day to honor the men and women who power… Continue reading.
Districts realign for more equitable representation
The PPEC board of trustees has formally approved a redistricting initiative to more equally spread the number of members across each district in our territory. Members affected were notified on their March bills. At the top right corner of your electric bill (highlighted at right), you will see your district listed. Scipio, Maumee, Jefferson, and… Continue reading.
Doug Johanns earns internal employee award
Congratulations to Senior Staking Technician Doug Johanns, who was voted by PPEC’s employees as the 2023 Quarter 4 Rockstar Employee! This internal quarterly recognition program allows employees to nominate and vote on deserving co-workers whom they feel have gone above and beyond or deserve recognition. Johanns joined the PPEC team in May 1986. His role… Continue reading.
Rate adjustment coming this spring
After much deliberation and analyzing results from our 2023 cost-of-service study, the PPEC board of trustees has approved a rate adjustment taking effect on the electric bill you’ll receive in May (due in June). If you consider the recent inflation, material shortages, and other industry struggles PPEC faces, I am sure you can relate. Nearly… Continue reading.
The service charge: The cost for keeping the lights on
As a cooperative member of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, you make an investment in the co-op every time you pay your bill. This collective investment in the co-op benefits you and the community immediately — and over time. This cost exists even when no electricity is used. We are still required to pay our loans,… Continue reading.
Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op 2023 Annual Meeting minutes
2023 Official Annual Meeting Minutes — March 18, 2023 The Annual Meeting was held at Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, Inc., headquarters building, Paulding, Ohio. Steve McMichael, board chairman, called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. The meeting was held as a virtual/video conference. The meeting was broadcast on via Facebook Live and on YouTube…. Continue reading.