Carroll White REMC
Carroll White REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Monticello, Indiana. As a cooperative, Carroll White REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices
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Quiet third quarter for Operation Round Up
In the third quarter of this fiscal year, Operation Round Up trustees granted $3,342.50 to two local non-profit entities, Tri-County Intermediate Sixth Grade and Twin Lakes Band Boosters. “While this was a quiet quarter as far as grant requests, we are ready to see an increase in applicants as the school year begins,” said Casey… Continue reading.
A winning lottery ticket
Before conducting home energy audits as LaGrange County REMC’s Energy Advisor, Jake Taylor was involved in building houses — from breaking ground to handing the keys to the new homeowner. He also taught a trades class to many of the young builders working on them and showed them the potential of a career. Taylor spent… Continue reading.
Carroll White REMC hosts Annual Meeting
Carroll White REMC hosted their 13th Annual Meeting on Friday, June 21, at the White County Fairgrounds in Reynolds. Remington Poultry provided food for the event. “We had great attendance at the Annual Meeting despite the heat,” said Cathy Raderstorf, CEO. “The Blue Moose Ice Cream truck was a huge hit, as was the music… Continue reading.
Message from CW REMC CEO, Cathy Raderstorf
It has been a busy and productive year for Carroll White REMC. We ended 2023 in solid financial standing, with nearly $2.3 million in margins and in a strong position with lenders, exceeding all of their required key ratios. Last fall, the board of directors again approved refunding capital credits in the amount of $704,672.69…. Continue reading.
Making the grade
Although buses are once again shuttling students to school, the sweltering summer heat still kicks on the air conditioning, draining more money from wallets. While it’s early in the school year for tests, there are three elementary steps to long-term energy savings and keeping more money in your wallet. Just seal, insulate, and equip to… Continue reading.
Four students selected to attend the 2024 Youth Tour to Washington
During June, Indiana’s electric cooperatives sponsor selected students entering their senior year of high school to go on a life-changing educational adventure to Washington, D.C. Highlights of this seven-day trip include visits to historic monuments and museums, meetings on Capitol Hill with Indiana’s congressional delegation, the opportunity to make lifelong friends, and much more. Valerie… Continue reading.
Three area sixth-grade students selected to attend Camp Kilowatt
Carroll White REMC (CW REMC) annually sponsors sixth-grade students going into seventh grade to attend Camp Kilowatt. This year, the unique camp experience was held June 5–8 at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston. Jackson Marlatt, Auralicea Shuey, and Jaxxtin Wireman represented CW REMC in this session. Students learned more about energy while making new friends and… Continue reading.
Grand sun
The long summer sunlight hours offer unique opportunities to spend time in the great outdoors. The sun can also inspire ideas — and even power activities — for families looking to have fun. More technology utilizes solar power, offering new tools and ideas for things to do. Families can spend time together with a variety… Continue reading.
Carroll White REMC welcomes two new employees
Early this year, Carroll White REMC welcomed Graham Tatman and Ethan Luzadder as groundmen to the cooperative family. A groundman’s primary duty is to assist lineworkers with building, maintaining, and repairing the cooperative’s electrical lines. They help the operations department in needed tasks. Tatman joined the REMC in February. He was born and raised in… Continue reading.
Carroll White REMC Operation Round Up awards second quarter grants
After recently surpassing the $1 million milestone in Operation Round Up donations, Carroll White REMC Round Up’s Board of Trustees granted $14,200 to eight non-profits in the service territory. “We were very excited to celebrate reaching the $1 million mark,” said Casey Crabb, Carroll White REMC Communications and Public Relations Manager. “Moving forward, we hope… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up celebrates $1 million milestone
On March 20, Carroll White REMC celebrated a huge Operation Round Up milestone, reaching the $1 million mark! Operation Round Up is a voluntary, member-giving program that shows the true spirit of the 7th cooperative principle: concern for the community. Members round up their monthly bills to the nearest dollar which is put in a… Continue reading.