Miami-Cass REMC
Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Board Meets in October
1. Counted seven board members attending. Attorney Jeremy Fetty attended via teleconference. 2. Jim Savage presented the WVPA monthly report. 3. Todd Smith presented the IEC report. 4. Fetty presented the monthly legal report. 5. Rob Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. 6. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. 7. Financial reports were… Continue reading.
Happy Holidays!
The Miami-Cass REMC line crew recently helped the city of Peru put up its Christmas tree at the Miami County Courthouse.
Welcome Student Board!
Miami-Cass REMC introduces you to our student board of directors. The students, who attend area high schools, will learn about your cooperative, leadership and the co-op business model. Stay tuned to meet each of these outstanding students!
Stocking savings
This holiday season you’ll probably see lots of advertising for “smart” home accessories. Fortunately, you can spend money on some gifts that can lead to long-term savings. Commercials this time of year highlight all sorts of gadgets. Often, many of these devices are about convenience, such as remotely turning lights and appliances on and off…. Continue reading.
Holiday Food Prep Pointers
Safeguard Your Home This Winter Season
As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, there’s a natural inclination to create a warm and cozy haven at home. Unfortunately, as we see increased use of heating equipment, candles and electrical items, the number of home fires tends to increase during winter months. Here are five ways you can safeguard your home… Continue reading.
Rate Change Takes Effect
Miami Cass REMC and its directors take great care in keeping its rates as low as possible. For the last nine years, your co-op has been able maintain the same rates and service charge. Rates have remained the same since September 2014. However, in the last two years, that rate stabilization has negatively impacted your… Continue reading.
Donation Drive Underway
Miami-Cass REMC is holding a donation drive to support Helping Hands in Peru. Drop off items until Dec. 15 at the co-op office. Accepted donations include canned goods, non-perishable items and paper products.
The Sunny Side of Renewable Energy
Some mornings, a dawning sun greets people with light — by electrifying the televisions in their homes. Over the last decade, renewable energy resources including wind farms and solar arrays have generated an increasing share of the electricity powering the nation. As renewable energy technology has become more affordable, utilities have also added more large-scale… Continue reading.