Miami-Cass REMC
Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Familiarize yourself with your home’s electrical system
A lot of people won’t plug in their new TV or toaster without reading the instruction book at least once. But many will move into a new home without understanding the electrical system that makes everything work. Would you know how to trip the main circuit if someone was being shocked at an outlet somewhere? … Continue reading.
Student board gives back
Last month, the Miami Cass REMC Student Board planned and completed its first community service project. As a group, they put together a family movie night to raise awareness for suicide prevention awareness. Board members passed out flyers and goody bags and paid for popcorn and soda for all who attended the event. We are… Continue reading.
Grow your summer energy savings
One of my favorite things about summer is the opportunity for fresh, homegrown food, whether it’s shopping at the local farmers market or sharing the abundance of garden tomatoes with a neighbor. It’s amazing how just a few seeds, some fertilizer, and water can turn into a bounty. When I think about energy efficiency, I… Continue reading.
March board meeting
Counted seven board members attending. Attorney J. Michael Deweese also attended via teleconference. Board officer elections: Jim Savage, president; Todd Smith, vice president; Cindy Scott, secretary/treasurer Jim Savage presented the WVPA monthly report. J. Michael Deweese presented monthly legal report. Rob Schwartz presented monthly CEO report. Minutes from previous board meeting were approved. Financial reports… Continue reading.
Keep your cool inside this summer
With the hot, humid temperatures during the long daylight hours when kids are out of school, it may seem difficult to keep your cool at home this summer — literally and figuratively. Yet, in the literal sense, keeping your cool indoors could pay off by keeping more green in your wallet. Fortunately, there are steps… Continue reading.
Proper preparation
Many Hoosier homeowners add a backup generator in case the power goes out during weather turbulence. Yet before severe weather arrives, homeowners should be sure to read and follow instructions in the manual that comes with the generator to ensure safe operation. There are some additional considerations that homeowners should particularly keep in mind with… Continue reading.
Shaping our energy future with innovation
The energy industry is undergoing significant change driven by technology and the transition to more sustainable forms of energy. Innovation is essential in addressing these challenges and ensuring a continuous, reliable, affordable power supply. Electric co-ops are no strangers to adapting to the needs of the local communities we serve. Miami-Cass REMC has always leaned… Continue reading.