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Marshall County REMC

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Marshall Logo_BlueYellow_withLinemanMarshall County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Plymouth, Indiana. As a cooperative, Marshall County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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Beware of scams

Posted on Sep 20, 2018 in Marshall County REMC

Scammers are continuously coming up with new angles to trick members into giving up their personal information or credit card numbers. We would like to remind our members to always be on the lookout for scams. If you receive a call, text message or email asking you about your electric bill, demanding payment or personal… Continue reading.

Work Anniversary: Kenny Eggleston

Posted on Sep 20, 2018 in Marshall County REMC

Years of service: 15 Title: Journeyman lineman Eggleston and his wife, Andrea, have one daughter, Morgan; one son, Ryan; and one grandson, Jaxon. Eggleston enjoys being a volunteer firefighter, riding his Harley and working on his classic Chevy truck.

Do we have your up-to-date information?

Posted on Sep 20, 2018 in Marshall County REMC

It’s important for Marshall County REMC to have the most current contact information for our members. This allows us to maintain communication about your accounts and other cooperative business. Current phone numbers are essential when we send out phone notification messages regarding planned outages or other important issues. One of the most crucial phone notifications… Continue reading.

Don’t Fall Behind

Posted on Sep 18, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Fulton County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

The cooling temperatures and kids once again climbing the school bus steps to head to school mean that fall is quickly approaching! The changing season also can serve as an alarm clock to prepare for what is to come – winter. Early fall is the perfect time to prepare your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning… Continue reading.

Find (and seal) the hidden treasures in your home to save money

Posted on Aug 29, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Boone REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

There might’ve been a time when you came across an antique or old item in your attic or basement that you could sell for money. Yet did you know that there could very easily be some additional treasures in the form of air leaks – and finding (and sealing) them could lead to energy savings! … Continue reading.

Work Anniversary

Posted on Aug 24, 2018 in Marshall County REMC

Mark Batman Years of Service: 15 Title: CEO Batman has been married to his wife, Felicia, for 41 years. They have three grown children and four grandkids. He enjoys traveling, U.S. History, bicycling and spending time with his grandkids.

Helping our community

Posted on Aug 24, 2018 in Marshall County REMC

On Tuesday, July 24, the Marshall County REMC Operation Round Up board awarded CASA of Marshall County $1,000 to redesign a professional looking, mobile friendly website. CASA is an organization of trained volunteers who work with abused/neglected children who have been declared in need of services by the court system. These trained men and women… Continue reading.

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