Jasper County REMC
Jasper County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Rensselaer, Indiana. As a cooperative, Jasper County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Predicting tomorrow’s electric technologies
I have heard many people say they wish they had a way to predict the future. Would such a device be the ultimate Christmas gift? What would I see if I used it to predict the future of our electric grid? I think I would see some amazing electric devices we have yet to imagine…. Continue reading.
Twelve grants awarded through Operation Round Up
Our Operation Round Up grants were issued recently and your spare change is doing more great work in our communities! The Remington Parks Department received a grant to help update its shelter restrooms. West Central High School and Rensselaer Central High School After Prom were both awarded funds to help with after-prom activities, food, and… Continue reading.
Deadline to claim 2021 capital credits approaching
We published a list of unclaimed capital credits in the local papers on Nov. 16, 2023. This is the last chance to claim capital credits that we returned in November 2021. If you missed the notice in the papers, the 2021 unclaimed list is also available on our website. CAPITAL CREDITS 101 1 Jasper County… Continue reading.
Twinkle Time
Is your property decorated to the max? Send a picture or short video to jasperremc@jasperremc.com. We will post it to our page and have the public vote on the best one. Hidden #25368001. The winner will get a gift card and bragging rights. Follow us on Facebook for more details. Please do not nominate a… Continue reading.
OFFICE CLOSURE Our office will be closed for Christmas on Dec. 25 and 26. We will also be closing at 11:30 on Dec. 29 and all day on Jan. 1 in observance of New Year’s. STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES Watch our website and Facebook page for student opportunities and deadlines. Opportunities include the Indiana Youth Tour to… Continue reading.
Stocking savings
This holiday season you’ll probably see lots of advertising for “smart” home accessories. Fortunately, you can spend money on some gifts that can lead to long-term savings. Commercials this time of year highlight all sorts of gadgets. Often, many of these devices are about convenience, such as remotely turning lights and appliances on and off…. Continue reading.
Holidays and Happenings
Welcome to this season of thankfulness and holiday spirit! For those of us at Jasper County REMC, it’s also a busy time of projects, programs and educational opportunities. What I’m thankful for I am thankful for our team at Jasper County REMC. That team includes a seven-member board of directors who oversee the financial health… Continue reading.
Energy-Smart Solutions
Our PowerMoves® programs offer our membership rebates, tips and information on many energy efficiency topics. Visit powermoves.com to learn more about these helpful technologies. $50 WI-FI THERMOSTAT REBATE When everybody’s using electricity during the hottest days of the year, power costs can go up and that can eventually cause higher costs for everyone. When you… Continue reading.
Capital Credits Coming Soon
As a significant cost-saving measure, we apply capital credits of $600 or less to your active account if the credits are due to you. However, a check will be issued for credits of $600 or more. CEO Jon Rich commented, “We are always finding ways to save the cooperative money. This process helps us serve… Continue reading.
Powerful Lessons
We were invited to attend Science Night at Wheatfield Elementary School along with several other local businesses. Jasper County REMC employees brought displays and gear to talk with the kids about how electricity and fiber internet work. Kids were also able to try on linemen’s gloves and try to work with a set of nuts… Continue reading.
Co-op News
OFFICE CLOSURE: Our offices will be closed Nov. 23 and 24 in observance of Thanksgiving. DIGITAL MAGAZINE: Our magazine is available on our website as a flipbook for you to enjoy. CHRISTMAS PARADES: Look for us in the Rensselaer and Remington Christmas parades – both on Dec. 2! UPDATE YOUR INFO: Please update your contact… Continue reading.