Dubois REC
Dubois REC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Jasper, Indiana. As a cooperative, Dubois REC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Small Change Changes Lives
Dubois REC announces the most recent round of Operation Round Up grants. Grants totaled more than $13,000, which was awarded to five local organizations. The St. Anthony Volunteer Fire Dept., Inc. received a $1,000 grant to help purchase a washing machine for fire fighting gear. St. Patricks’ Celebration, Inc. received a $2,000 grant to help… Continue reading.
Get involved
Want to make a difference in your community? Consider running for a seat on the board of directors of Dubois REC. At the the 2024 annual meeting on April 9, members will be electing directors to represent Districts 1 and 5. The incumbent directors running for election are Andy Schwenk (District 1) and Brad Knies… Continue reading.
Let us know if you depend on life-support equipment
If you rely on life sustaining equipment, such as respirators or dialysis machines, please let Dubois REC know. It is particularly important for us to be aware of these situations when the need for electrical power is especially crucial. We can keep you advised of extended or planned outages if we are aware of these… Continue reading.
Calendars and Almanacs
While supplies last, members are invited to stop by the Dubois REC office and pick up a free copy of the 2024 Farmer’s Almanac, 2024 Cooperative Calendar of Student Art, and the 2024 Indiana Festival Guide. Feel free to use our drive-thru for an easy way to pick up these free publications.
A concern for community
Throughout the year, especially during the holidays, Hoosier Energy seeks to act on the cooperative principle — Concern for Community. In late October, Hoosier Energy was a platinum sponsor for the 2023 Women IN Energy Conference in Carmel, Indiana. The annual event began in 2017 to encourage women to pursue their dreams and make connections… Continue reading.
Reliable power for today — and tomorrow
Ending one year and looking at the new year yet to begin sparks a sense of renewed hope and optimism about the future. It’s a time when, as the CEO of Dubois REC, I think about our company, where we’ve been and where we’re going along with ways we can better serve you, the members… Continue reading.
Bromm celebrates 20 years of service
JILL BROMM marks 20 years of service to the co-op this month. As a CSR, she is responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable and billing. She and her husband, Doug, have three children — Abagaile, Madelyn and Kaleb. She enjoys watching her kids play sports and spending time with friends and family. Bromm is a… Continue reading.
Nomination process for directors
As an electric cooperative, Dubois REC is a democratic organization. This means a board of directors, elected by other co-op members, guides the co-op. These directors, who are members of Dubois REC themselves, actively participate in setting policies, making decisions and safeguarding the interests of co-op members. One benefit to being a member of a… Continue reading.
Merry Christmas and happy new year from the employees and directors of Dubois REC
DIRECTORS Andy Schwenk, District 1 Randall Stemle, District 2 Mark Montgomery, District 3 David Rudolph, District 4 Brad Knies, District 5 Steven Speedy, District 6 Rick Wendholt, District 7 CEO/GENERAL MANAGER Joseph Henson SENIOR STAFF Matt Brames, Manager of Engineering Greg Dilger, Engineering Project Manager Ruth Hopf, Billing Supervisor Craig Adams, Manager of Finance Patrick… Continue reading.
Sky High
Keeping transmission lines clear of overgrowth along 150-200-mile-long stretches each year is not an easy task. That’s why Hoosier Energy uses an aerial saw to get the job done. The saw features nine 25-inch carbide tip saw blades attached to multiple 20-foot aluminum poles. A 50-horsepower snowmobile motor that can be turned on and off… Continue reading.
Serving Up Savings
The Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays usually bring a frenzy of decorating, cooking and family gatherings, and amid the hectic hustle and bustle, you may receive higher-than-usual energy bills. SAVE WITH LED LIGHTS AND TIMERS LED holiday lights use 88% less energy than incandescent holiday lights. To put that into perspective, the Department of Energy estimates… Continue reading.
Simplify Your Monthly Bill
AUTOPAY With autopay, you just enroll and set up your notifications in SmartHub. By using autopay, money is withdrawn directly from your bank account to pay your electric bill each month. The automatic draft is processed on the 20th of each month. If this date falls on a holiday or weekend, the draft will occur… Continue reading.