As we embrace the vibrant colors of autumn and feel the crispness in the air, it’s clear that October has arrived. With the changing of the leaves comes a change in focus, as this month brings us several significant observances.
First, October is National Co-op Month. Cooperatives, such as KREMC, are built upon the principles of self-help, community responsibility and democratic control. We exist to serve you, our members, and this month, we celebrate the cooperative spirit that binds us together. We are proud of our long history of powering Kosciusko County and surrounding rural areas. We are equally proud of our engaged membership. With your continued support and trust in KREMC, we are building a brighter future for our community.
October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness and show support for those affected by this disease. Breast cancer touches the lives of many. I encourage all of you to take a moment this month to learn more about breast cancer and support organizations that provide aid and research. You’ll have the opportunity to help one such organization, Francine’s Friends, in our KREMC lobby this month. Learn more in this issue of Indiana Connection.
Lastly, as the temperatures drop and winter approaches, October is an excellent time to consider your home’s weatherization needs. Ensuring that your home is well prepared for the colder months can save you money on energy bills and make your living space more comfortable. Our website, kremc.com, is full of resources to help you weatherize your home.
Happy National Co-op Month and thank you for being a valued member of KREMC.