Bartholomew County REMC will mail voting material to the home of each member on March 26. This will allow 30 days to cast your vote prior to the virtual annual meeting on April 29.
This is your opportunity to vote for directors and nominating committee candidates and to receive a $10 bill credit. We are using a certified election management company that will handle the tabulation of votes to ensure accuracy and to keep your vote anonymous.
There are two ways to vote. Choose only one of these methods.
1. Use the enclosed ballot and business reply, postage paid envelope to return your vote through the mail, prior to the meeting.
2. Use the unique passcode and website printed on the enclosed ballot to vote online.
Those who partipate in the election will receive a $10 bill credit.
If you have any questions about our annual meeting packet or the voting process, call us at 812-372-2546. These alternative voting methods open the voting up to the full membership and reinforces the fact that you are a member of a cooperative and have a voice. We hope you enjoy the opportunity to take part in the cooperative’s leadership and democratic process.