Working with local legislators

Posted on Jan 16 2022 in Warren County REMC
Phil High
General Manager

The phrase “All politics is local” means that even national politics have a local impact, and people care most about issues that directly affect them. At Warren County REMC, we think it’s important to be aware of political issues on the national level, but even more critical to develop and cultivate relationships with local legislators because they craft, introduce and vote on legislation that impacts the local business climate, the economy and quality of life for our community. That’s why we work closely with our local elected officials. After all, our purpose is to provide safe, reliable, affordable energy, but our mission is to help our community thrive. 

Advocating for our community

Warren County REMC is a local business that powers economic development and prosperity for our region. As a cooperative, we have deep roots here, and we listen closely to our members to better understand the needs of the community. Our leadership, board members and employees live and work right here in the community we serve. 

We strive to be an advocate for our community, ensuring that local legislators know, understand and act on the issues that are important to our area. 

Providing industry guidance and expertise 

As a practical matter, we recognize that most legislators are “generalists,” yet they vote on a wide range of issues. Their expertise may not include the changing energy industry, which is why Warren County REMC provides guidance and expertise from subject matter experts who’ve been in the energy industry for many years. 

Today’s energy landscape is an increasingly complex topic covering not only the traditional engineering and vegetation management aspects of the industry, but also encompasses technology, cybersecurity, the electrification of the transportation sector and more. 

Our experts provide briefings and backgrounders to legislators, committees and staff, and we offer expert testimony for hearings and other legislative or regulatory meetings or gatherings. And because we’re involved in economic development and we know local community leaders, we can provide insight on how issues and policies under discussion might impact our region. 

Representing your best interests

We strive to be a trusted resource on energy issues. Because of our deep roots in the community, we have a firm understanding of local issues and needs. We will continue looking after the long-term interests of our consumer-members. This means we are able to cultivate and foster positive, productive relationships with legislators who know and trust us, because we’re advocating on behalf of the community we serve. 

We hope you’ll continue to communicate with Warren County REMC on matters of importance so we can continue to advocate on your behalf and improve the quality of life for all.