We want to hear from you

Posted on Sep 01 2019 in LaGrange County REMC

Starting now through January, LaGrange County REMC will be conducting a survey of residential co-op members. 

The co-op conducts surveys every few years to determine how much power we’ll need in the near future and how we can better serve our members.

The surveys — through postcard, email or telephone — will be conducted by research institutes with experience in a wide variety of research methods, as well as a strong history of satisfied customers.

Members will be randomly selected, and the survey is designed to take as little of your time as possible.

If you do receive a phone call, it will take place Monday through Friday, beginning mid-afternoon and running until about 9 p.m. 

If you are contacted and don’t wish to participate, you will not be pressured to do so. We greatly appreciate those who do take the time to help us plan better for the future!

If you have any questions, please call our office at 877-463-7165.