Promoting native wildlife

Parks Department awarded EnviroWatts grant

Posted on Apr 28 2019 in LaGrange County REMC
Pine Knob County Park

People usually think about planting trees or growing plants to help the environment, but for Pine Knob County Park, the eradication of invasive honeysuckle will mean the return of native plants and wildlife.

The project, headed by the LaGrange County Parks Department, is being funded through an EnviroWatts® grant recently awarded by LaGrange County REMC and made possible by our generous participating members.

The $3,500 grant will be used for a three- to five-year project to rid the west and south areas of Pine Knob of its honeysuckle, which is in line with the department’s goal of restoring the park and Duff Lake Fen to its natural landscape. Prior to European settlement, this included areas of prairie, fen and oak woodland.

With the honeysuckle gone, the native plant community will be able to thrive, attracting native wildlife. In turn, this will provide a beautiful landscape for local residents and outside visitors to enjoy as they use the existing trail system provided at the park.

“Our citizens who use and enjoy Pine Knob County Park will benefit from this project,” Parks Director Mike Metz wrote in his EnviroWatts application. “Pine Knob Park is known throughout the region and state as a quality park and natural area. It attracts sportsmen, hikers, runners and bird watchers.”

Thank you to our participating members for continuing your support for nonprofit organizations and projects that improve the local environment and landscape!

If you would like to contribute to the EnviroWatts program by paying an additional one cent for your first 500 kWh of use, contact our office at 877-463-7165 or visit for more information or a registration form to sign up.