To keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the Nov. 20 board meeting.
- All directors were present, along with President/CEO Steve Seibert and Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton. Also present was James Tanneberger, President/CEO of South Central Indiana REMC.
- The Oct. 30 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
- The membership certificates were reviewed.
- The vouchers were reviewed and approved.
- The director’s report was reviewed and approved.
- Tanneberger gave an informative presentation on Accord.
- Seibert reviewed the Hoosier Energy Wholesale Power Cost Tracker and its impact on the co-op’s financial position. After discussion, the board approved a decrease of $2.60 per 1,000 kWh in member rates effective Jan. 1, 2025.
- Seibert provided directors with an update on the FTTH/broadband project with PSC.
- Seibert provided an updated Strategic Plan action matrix to the board.
- The CEO report was the first item of new business, with Seibert reporting the following items:
- GIS project update
- Office master plan presentation
- Track digger update
- Indiana Electric Cooperatives (IEC) Legislative Dinner attendance
- Upcoming local Christmas parade participation
- 2025 Hoosier Energy LMR program
- Blue Ribbon Basket participation for Ronald McDonald House Charities
- New bill print presentation
- Capital credit checks for the 1999 retirement were mailed on Nov. 14.
- A legal notice of unclaimed capital credits for 1997 was published in the Perry County News on Nov. 18 and the Spencer County Journal Democrat on Nov. 20.
- Unclaimed capital credits for 1994 will become permanent equity of the cooperative on Dec. 1.
- Seibert reported the following upcoming meeting dates: the employee Christmas party on Dec. 6, the IEC Annual Meeting on December 9-10, the NRECA CEO Conference on Jan. 12-15, and the NRECA Directors Conference on Jan. 26-28.
- Chris Gerald, safety and risk management instructor with IEC conducted safety leadership training on Oct. 31. Adam Lock, safety and risk management instructor with IEC conducted grounding safety training on Nov. 13. Seibert advised there were no lost time accidents, and no public liability claims to report.
- Seibert reviewed the 2025 distributed generation rate, which was approved by the board.
- A budget committee meeting has been scheduled for Dec. 16.
- The board approved a United Way corporate sponsorship for 2025.
- Director Waninger reported on a Hoosier Energy Board Meeting held on Nov. 12.
- Director training information was provided to the board.
- The next regularly scheduled board of directors meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 18.