Unfortunately, we weren’t able to fit all of the father and son photos we received from our readers into our June magazine. However, we’re happy to share some more reader-submitted photos here for you to enjoy!

Vickie Bird shared this photo of her father playing country music with her two brothers.

Patricia King, a Tipmont REMC member and first-time grandma, sent us this photo of her son, Scott King, with his new son, Owen.

Craig Smolek of Daviess-Martin County REMC checks out the fish at Shakamak State Park with his son, Skylar.

Marcia Ugoletti shared this photo of the Ugoletti boys — Dennis, Donny, Josh, Kannon and Declan.

Susanne and Ron Campbell sent us this photo of their grandson and great-grandson.

Pat Manning said this is one of her favorite “like father, like son” photos because of her son’s expression of love and acceptance.

Wendy Baldwin’s husband and youngest son enjoy watching fireworks together.

Like father, like son, like grandson. Mark Owens shared this photo of his son Scott, grandson Hayden and dog Freddie doing what they enjoy together — fishing in the boat on the lake.

At first, Kathie Ponder’s son was afraid to take his newborn to church for fear of him crying. But here, Steven (infant) and dad Brenden Ponder smile at church.

Linda Bailey’s son and grandson study the computer intensely.

Patricia Daugherty submitted this photo of her husband Ron, son Ryan and grandson Raylan.

Richard Drake from French Lick, Indiana, and his sons, Ivan and Ian, get ready to show their calves at Columbus, Indiana.

Levi Schwartz goes on a yearly Christmas/New Year’s hike to the waterfall behind his home in northern Perry County with his three sons.

Lazondra Davis shared this photo of Pete and Daniel Davis, “two country bumpkins.”

Kenny Blum prepares to adopt his soon-to-be son Andrew at a Ukrainian orphanage in 2001.

Silas Shake carries supper to his dad, Lucas Shake, in their field in Linton, Indiana.