Harrison REMC
America’s electric cooperatives have designated the second Monday in April as National Lineworker Appreciation Day. On April 8, Harrison REMC will honor the dedicated individuals who often work in challenging conditions to keep the lights on.
National studies consistently rank power line installers and repairers among the most dangerous jobs in the country, and for good reason. Laboring high in the air wearing heavy equipment and working directly with high voltage creates the perfect storm of a dangerous and unforgiving profession. We proudly recognize all electric lineworkers for the services they perform around the clock in dangerous conditions to keep power flowing and protect the public’s safety.
Harrison REMC has 18 lineworkers and other contractors that maintain 2,461 miles of energized line in our service territory. Without them, our world would be dark. We depend on and appreciate all 47 employees who keep the cooperative running smoothly. However, this month, we would like to specifically thank our lineworkers.
No matter the time — day or night, weekday or weekend — if the lights go out, so do they. In addition to aiding members in our local service territory, lineworkers are always willing and eager to volunteer when a neighboring community, county or state is in need after a major outage. This is one of the unique advantages of being a cooperative. Cooperation among cooperatives is our way of life. We work together to provide better value for our members’ energy dollars.
We hope you will join us in thanking our lineworkers. Remember, your power works because they do! Join in the celebration by using the hashtag #ThankALineman on social media to show your support.