FIRST quarter tracker

Posted on Jan 07 2020 in Bartholomew County REMC

The power we buy from Hoosier Energy to sell to you constantly fluctuates in price. Because of this, the tracker will again change for the first quarter. The energy tracker, that adjusts quarterly, allows us to keep our base rates consistent, but still collect the money we will owe for the purchased power. 

There is no mark-up in the tracker. There is no profit made from the tracker. It is not a flat fee. It is only a fluctuating pass-through cost from our power supplier to us and then to you. 

The good news is, YOU can directly affect the energy tracker cost on your bill. It is directly proportional to YOUR kilowatt use in your home each month. If you conserve energy, your tracker cost will go down. 

Reflected on mid-January bills, Bartholomew County REMC members will see a wholesale tracker adjustment, effective Jan. 1. The first quarter tracker will be $0.000095 per kWh. That makes the total per kWh $0.109515 an increase from last quarter.

Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding your electric bill.