BCREMC will provide a wholesale power cost relief credit for all accounts that currently receive electricity from BCREMC. The refund amount will be directly proportional to the kWh you use and will be listed as “BCREMC Wholesale Power Cost Relief” on your bill.
The power we buy from our wholesale power provider, Hoosier Energy, to sell to you constantly fluctuates in price. Because of this, the Wholesale Tracker is on your bill monthly and changes quarterly to recoup or credit the fluctuating cost of power we buy on your behalf. The tracker is a pass-through from Hoosier Energy and is calculated based on your kWh use. The Wholesale Tracker for the first quarter of 2025 is $0.014651 per kWh. The trend of elevated wholesale power costs is likely to persist through 2025.
Reflected on the bills sent in mid-January and early February, BCREMC members will benefit from a Wholesale Power Cost Relief credit of $0.008753 per kWh. This credit is part of our commitment to support our members during times of fluctuating energy costs.
The board is pleased to report that BCREMC remains in strong financial health, enabling us to extend this relief consistently. We are dedicated to finding more efficient operational methods while maintaining the high standard of friendly, reliable service you expect and deserve.
We deeply appreciate your membership and trust in us. Our team is grateful for the opportunity to serve you and provide this relief. Should you have any questions regarding your electric bill, please do not hesitate to contact our office.