By Emily Schilling
As any new parent will tell you, selecting the perfect name is not easy.
Of course, naming a child and naming a magazine are not quite the same thing. But both scenarios usually involve hours of debate, input (both solicited and sometimes unsolicited) from numerous sources, and a long and often ongoing list of pros and cons for each suggestion.
There’s a reason for this arduous process. A name is something you can’t just change on a whim. You live up to it. Make it your own. Make it proud. It stands to reason that it takes time to settle on one that “fits.”
Back in November, we asked you to help us rename this magazine. We needed a name that better suited the publication’s evolution as a general interest magazine as well as the ever-expanding role your co-op plays in your community.
We received nearly 270 responses. Magazine staff as well as an advisory committee of electric cooperative directors, CEOs and communicators carefully considered possible names before selecting a name we feel is a winner: Indiana Connection.
Indiana Connection first and foremost addresses our relationship with you, our readers. We strive to connect with you. We hope you find the magazine interesting, entertaining and informative. We hope it is a link, or connection, to your electric cooperative and all the programs and services it provides you. And we hope it draws you closer to a community of other readers throughout the Hoosier state who enjoy similar rural and suburban lifestyles to yours.
Welcome to Indiana Connection! The name’s new, but our focus on you hasn’t changed.
EMILY SCHILLING is editor of Indiana Connection