Acres of Hope is a place of rescue, respite and rehabilitation. This farm has become a place where special needs animals get some extra TLC. People love to visit with the animals to help care for them, or just sit and have some time to love on them. Many visitors seem to appreciate the atmosphere of hope and often share their own struggles and concerns. Several young people also give their time to help take care of the tasks that come with running a farm. Many who have come to volunteer find that they learn new skills and a new sense of confidence and increased self-esteem.
Two upcoming events will help Acres of Hope raise funds for the always present expenses. The organization will have a booth at PalWow on Sept. 28-29. Several different kinds of “AOH-wear” will be available for purchase. These T-shirts (pictured at right) are also available for sale at
Acres of Hope will host its second Fun Run on Oct. 6. This is a challenge run on the farm called “An Udder Fun Run.” Participants are given various farm-related challenges to do along the race course. Online registration and details are available at the Acres of Hope Inc.’s Facebook page.
Funds raised will also help cover the cost to build a kennel to house some of the current rescue animals and those that will certainly arrive in the future.

Acres of Hope T-shirts can be purchased at PalWow in Palmyra, Sept. 28-29, or on the Acres of Hope Facebook page.
AOH also has on-going expenses related to the food and medical costs of the animals.
Acres of Hope is supported fully by a board of advisors, a team of volunteers, local donors, and the Community Foundation of Crawford County. While the founders have been helping animals in need for years, it was officially recognized as a non-profit organization in 2015.
Contact info
5908 N. Hardinsburg Road, Marengo
Joni Stroud-Martin
Cheyenne Detweiler
Hadley Martin
2018 An Udder Fun Run
(A fundraising challenge run with a farm twist)
Save the Date! Oct. 6
More info and online registration at