The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year. I’m the member of my household who is ready to put the Christmas tree and lights up the day after Halloween. There is just something about the glow of those lights in the evening that gives me a sense of comfort and peace that I want to experience for as long as I can.
It’s also a time of reflection. I’m grateful for my own family as well as my co-op family. At LaGrange County REMC, we’re driven by a sense of mission and purpose. Our team feels a strong connection to our community and our members, because we live here too.
While many of our community-focused programs and activities ramp up this time of year, we have several programs and services in place to help our members year-round. I’d like to remind you about some of these offerings in hopes you’ll find them beneficial.
We hope you’ll take advantage of our our brand new app that empowers you to monitor, manage and pay your energy bill conveniently through your phone. We also offer prepaid metering to help budget your monthly energy costs. LaGrange County REMC members can pay for electricity before it’s used, then use the electricity until the credit expires. During the time period paid for, you’ll receive regular feedback on your balance. You can view your account balance online or through the app. We also offer energy efficiency programs to save you money and energy. Visit lagrangeremc.com for more information.
Our Operation Round Up program helps our area non-profit organizations provide quality programming to residents in LaGrange County. Through members’ generous donations over the last 19 years, we’ve been able to give more than $600,000 to those in need.
In addition to helping members save today, we’re focusing on the future. In our area, we’re seeing increased interest in renewable energy sources. Recent innovations and advances have led to significant cost decreases in renewable energy, making it more feasible and accessible. In recent years, LaGrange County REMC has been able to adjust our fuel mix by incorporating more renewables. Today, 16% of our fuel mix is comprised of renewable energy sources, the majority of which are solar and wind.
And as you’ve heard, we’ve got this little broadband project that will bring fiber-optic internet to most of LaGrange County. Construction of the backbone is ongoing and we will begin installations to members soon. Vist broadband.lagrangeremc.com to sign up and to view the progress.
But the most important investment we make is in our local youth. LaGrange County REMC has logged hundreds of volunteer hours supporting schools, youth clubs and programs along with providing more than $50,000 in scholarships for local students. Each year, through our Youth Tour program, we send high school seniors-to-be to Washington, D.C., for a week-long immersion to experience democracy in action. We also send a couple of middle schoolers to Camp Kilowatt every summer.
At the heart of all of these programs is you — the members we proudly serve. Looking back, I’m grateful for so many wonderful community partners and for the positive impact we can continue to make.
This holiday season, I wish you and your loved ones peace, joy and prosperity. Speaking on behalf of our team at LaGrange County REMC, I know the future will be be bright, because of you.