Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Unclaimed Capital Credits List
We want to give a few of our members some money! The following is a list of people who were Orange County REMC members in 1959 and have unclaimed credits. We do not have current contact or mailing information for these members. This month, we are publishing members whose last names begin with the letter… Continue reading.
Standing up for us
Electric cooperatives form a vast network across America. We provide retail electric service to more than 42 million consumers in 47 states. Co-ops own and maintain 2.5 million miles, or 42 percent, of the nation’s electric distribution lines, covering three-quarters of the nation’s landmass. What’s unique about cooperatives from any other utility is we are autonomous and… Continue reading.
Blue Ribbon winner
Each year, electric co-ops from across the state gather for the annual meeting of Indiana’s electric cooperatives. One of the highlights of the event is the Blue Ribbon Basket Auction, which benefits the Ronald McDonald House. The total raised this year through all avenues (co-op financial contributions, basket auction, 50/50 raffle, and individual contributions) was… Continue reading.
2018 director election timeline
Incumbents whose terms expire: District 3 — Danny Easterday, District 6 — Brian Hawkins. Letters of intent due by Feb. 9. Posting of incumbent list by Feb. 23. (Names published in the March issue of Electric Consumer). Petitions of nominations due by March 26. Nominations by the board (absent incumbents seeking re-elections or petitioners) by… Continue reading.
Rebates and incentive programs
Members who use energy wisely by upgrading or installing energy efficient heat pumps, geothermal units or even water heaters can reap immediate as well as long-term rewards. There are now several types of rebates and incentives available to members, from $50 for appliance recycling up to $1,500 for energy efficient HVAC systems, depending on the… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up update
The board of trustees for Operation Round Up® met in November to award $6,550 to local groups, school clubs and organizations. The recipients are listed below. This brings the grand total of grants awarded in our community to $445,364.91 since we began the program in 2003. Huron Baptist Church: $1,000 Orange County Publishing Co. Great… Continue reading.
Trustees complete terms on board
Operation Round Up trustees Kelly Wade and Sandra Blanton were recently recognized for completing their terms of service. The board of trustees includes seven Orange County REMC members who serve on a volunteer basis. We appreciate the time these two individuals dedicated to our co-op and the community.
Apply for youth programs
The deadline to apply for all 2018 student programs sponsored by Orange County REMC is Feb. 9. Go to www.myremc.coop, and look under “News and Events” for more information and applications. youth tour to Washington, D.C. Students who will be high school seniors in the fall of 2018 can apply for this trip of a… Continue reading.
Indianapolis Business Journal honors Hoosier Energy’s chief financial officer
Donna Walker, executive vice president and chief financial officer at Hoosier Energy, was selected as an honoree for Indianapolis Business Journal’s 2017 CFO of the Year. Editors of the Indianapolis Business Journal (IBJ) explain the significance of the award: “If the CEO is a captain of industry, then the chief financial officer is the navigator,… Continue reading.
Five tips to secure your home
Hoosier Energy believes in being safe while at work and home. That is why we have compiled some ways to protect your property when you are not at home or if you’re traveling this holiday season. Ask a friend to stop by your home while you are away. Having someone visually inspect your property while… Continue reading.
Students: Don’t miss your chance to apply for these great programs!
Youth tour to Washington, D.C. Students who will be high school seniors in the fall of 2018 can apply for this trip of a lifetime to our nation’s capital. The Indiana delegation will meet in Indianapolis on June 7 and travel to Pennsylvania to visit Gettysburg and the Flight 93 9/11 Memorial before heading to… Continue reading.
We love our members!
During the annual member appreciation event, REMC members were treated to a fish fry with baked beans, cole slaw, drinks and dessert. There was also a hot line demonstration and information from Hoosier Energy about new lighting options. Daniel Kinsey won the drawing for a 50-gallon lifetime water heater.