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Miami-Cass REMC

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Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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Board meets in January

Posted on Feb 19, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

Counted seven board members present. Miami-Cass REMC attorney Jeremy Fetty also attended. WVPA board report was given by Jim Savage. Monthly legal report was given by Fetty. Rob Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. December monthly operating, member services and safety reports were reviewed and approved. Financial… Continue reading.

A fond farewell

Posted on Feb 19, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

After 41 years at Miami-Cass REMC, Mike Long will retire on March 12. Long started his career at the REMC in 1976 as a meter reader. After a year and half, he began the four-year apprenticeship process and became a lineman in 1981. Later in his career, he worked as foreman for around 10 years… Continue reading.

Million completes unique cooperative leadership program

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

Greg Million was among 14 Indiana electric cooperative employees who recently graduated from the Rural Electric Leaders in Training Exchange (RELITE) program. RELITE is a two-year leadership program offered by Indiana Electric Cooperatives. The program is designed to create a network of leaders among electric cooperatives. In the first year of the professional development program,… Continue reading.

A healthy future

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

The Miami County YMCA is committed to serving its community and helping to improve the physical, spiritual and emotional health of Miami County’s residents, both young and old. To better serve its residents, the organization plans to build a new 69,000 square-foot facility on 9.5 acres just east of West City Park in Peru. The… Continue reading.

Board meets in December

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

Counted seven board members present. Miami-Cass REMC attorney Liane Steffes also attended. WVPA board report was given by Jim Savage. IEC board report was given by Mark Hahn. Monthly legal report was given by Steffes. Rob Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. November monthly operating, member services… Continue reading.

Deadlines approaching for youth programs

Posted on Jan 26, 2018 in Miami-Cass REMC

  Summer at Touchstone Energy Camp: June 6 – 9 A fun, powerful, and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2018. Horseback riding, canoeing, zip lining, trying out archery, swimming, learning about electrical safety, and bucket truck rides!   WASHINGTON, D.C. Indiana youth tour: June 7 – 14 What are you… Continue reading.

Be warm and save!

Posted on Jan 24, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Boone REMC, Fulton County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

While you may be looking forward to the spring thaw, you likely still will encounter bitterly cold days this season. Even in frigid temperatures, there are ways you can maximize energy efficiency to help save! Here are a few tips: #1: Let in the sun South-facing windows can be a great way to warm your… Continue reading.

Water heater

Power into the new year and save!

Posted on Dec 18, 2017 in A Co-op Perspective, Fulton County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

If you have resolved to start the new year with a new water heater or heating and cooling system, your local electric cooperative can help! Your co-op offers POWER MOVES® incentives, which provide rebates for energy efficiency upgrades that will also save you money over the life span of the equipment. Water heaters along with… Continue reading.

How can we better serve you in 2018?

Posted on Dec 18, 2017 in Miami-Cass REMC

It’s amazing what we learn through listening and observation. New products and services are more likely to gain the satisfaction of consumers when their introduction follows market research. At Miami-Cass REMC, we’ve provided members with SmartHub, enabling them to check the status of their electric service, and receive updates on energy use. Our members are… Continue reading.

Board meets in November

Posted on Dec 18, 2017 in Miami-Cass REMC

Counted seven board members present. Miami-Cass REMC attorney Jeremy Fetty also attended. WVPA board report was given by Jim Savage. Monthly legal report was given by Fetty. Rob Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. October monthly operating, member services and safety reports were reviewed and approved. Financial… Continue reading.

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