Marshall County REMC
Marshall County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Plymouth, Indiana. As a cooperative, Marshall County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Thank you for tuning into the 2024 Annual Meeting!
DIRECTORS ELECTED TO THE BOARD Robin Roberts Melinda Overmyer ANNUAL MEETING BILL CREDIT WINNERS $50 REMC bill credits $150 REMC bill credits GRAND PRIZE WINNER $500 REMC bill credit
Tree trimming to be completed in 2024
The map below shows where our contracted tree service will be working in 2024. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mint City Tree Service at 574-312-2734. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation in ensuring quality electric service for all members of Marshall County REMC.
Marshall County, RTC Fiber Communications Partnership — MCF Over WiFi
Before 2018, large portions of Marshall County did not have access to dependable internet service. This prompted Marshall County REMC and RTC Fiber Communications (RTC) to form Marshall County Fiber (MCF). This partnership aims to provide fast, reliable, and affordable fiber optic internet and VoIP phone services to underserved areas across Marshall County. RTC saw… Continue reading.
Proper preparation
Many Hoosier homeowners add a backup generator in case the power goes out during weather turbulence. Yet before severe weather arrives, homeowners should be sure to read and follow instructions in the manual that comes with the generator to ensure safe operation. There are some additional considerations that homeowners should particularly keep in mind with… Continue reading.
Look up: Avoid the dangers of overhead lines
As spring approaches, many will begin outdoor projects and agriculture-related work that may require large vehicles and equipment. Before you start, I want to inform you about the dangers of overhead electric and communication cables. Overhead lines are everywhere and can pose a significant risk of injury or death should your equipment come in contact… Continue reading.
Celebrating National Lineworker Appreciation Day
National Lineworker Appreciation Day is April 8. The Marshall County REMC staff and board would like to thank each of our linemen for their dedication to the cooperative and its members!
PowerShift consider these energy-saving programs this spring
WI-FI THERMOSTAT REBATE When everyone’s using electricity during the hottest days of the year, wholesale power supply costs can go up, and that can eventually cause higher costs for everyone. When you enroll in the PowerShift® Wi-Fi Thermostat Program, you agree to allow brief, small adjustments to your residential thermostat during times of peak electric… Continue reading.
National Work Zone Awareness Week April 15–19
April 15–19 is National Work Zone Awareness Week. Indiana law requires motorists to change lanes to move away from emergency vehicles and slow to 10 mph under the posted speed limit. Utility vehicles, police cars, fire trucks and ambulances are all emergency vehicles, so please give crews lots of room.
Operation Round Up grants available
The next round of grants will be awarded at the end of the month. Charitable organizations within the Marshall County REMC Service territory are eligible to apply, but the organization does not have to be a member of Marshall County REMC. Applications are available at marshallremc.com. For more information, contact Arianna Thome, communications specialist, at… Continue reading.
Weathering extreme temperatures leads to savings
Planning to save energy during severe weather can keep you comfortable while helping the environment — and even lead to savings in your wallet. People know the basic rules of supply and demand — price typically goes up when demand goes up. The same goes for electricity; wholesale electricity prices can soar when everyone runs… Continue reading.
Make an impact! Vote and attend the Annual Meeting
I wanted to take a moment to explain the benefits of our Annual Meeting and why it’s important to our members and the cooperative. Marshall County REMC’s 85th Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 2. This year’s meeting will be presented as a pre-recorded virtual meeting posted online for members to view at… Continue reading.