Marshall County REMC
Marshall County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Plymouth, Indiana. As a cooperative, Marshall County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Seeking Operation Round Up board members
Marshall County REMC is currently seeking applications for the Operation Round Up Board. The Marshall County REMC Board will appoint two new members to the Operation Round Up Board. The Operation Round Up Board meets quarterly to review all grant applications and determine how Operation Round Up funds will be distributed into the community. This… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up gives back to local organizations
Continuing our mission of concern for the community, Operation Round Up® awards local nonprofits with grants to support the work they do in Marshall County. The REMC Operation Round Up Board awarded six grants, totaling $9,000! Organizations included: Child Evangelism Fellowship of Indiana, Inc., Held in Hope, The Marshall County Historical Society, Plymouth Travel Soccer… Continue reading.
Avoid headaches this summer
June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month. It’s also the time of year when many people endure the headache of a broken air conditioner — and having to go to extreme measures to keep cool. Fortunately, it’s not too late to prepare. There are steps you can take to ensure your cooling system can handle… Continue reading.
Marshall County REMC Annual Meeting recap
I would like to thank the members who participated in the 2023 annual election. We received nearly 1,200 member votes through mail-in or online ballots. Offering these options for the first time last year dramatically increased the number of members who were able to participate in the election process, and that number continued to grow… Continue reading.
Thank you for attending your annual meeting!
We appreciate the members who participated in this year’s annual election. Directors elected to the board Dr. Richard Leeper Ryan Sieber Annual Meeting Bill Credit Winners $50 REMC bill credits Leo Hartman Wade & Dawn Kreft Shane Gurtner Rosalie Regedanz Dale Neidlinger Brent Johnson Daryl Ball Skyler Reichert David Monesmith Geoffrey Gifford Thomas Hawk Anthony… Continue reading.
Marshall County Fiber celebrates 1000th customer
Marshall County Fiber celebrated its 1000th customer on March 16. The newly connected customers, Robert and Beverly Brown, were overjoyed to receive high-speed fiber internet and phone service. “The service has been great,” Robert Brown said. “We are excited to finally be able to stream our smart TV and our phone is much clearer.” Marshall… Continue reading.
Osprey story update
In April 2021, Marshall County REMC partnered with Kankakee Valley REMC to donate the equipment, pole and labor to install an osprey platform in rural St. Joseph County. We have great news that an osprey has taken up residency on the nesting platform.
A Wi-Fi thermostat can connect you to savings
Your high-speed internet connection can hook you up with savings — on your heating and cooling costs. As more people gain access to broadband internet connections, they may consider upgrading to a Wi-Fi thermostat. Fortunately, your local electric cooperative offers a $45 rebate for qualifying Wi-Fi thermostat upgrades. And beyond the rebate, a Wi-Fi thermostat… Continue reading.
Efficiency upgrades help you save this summer
Spring and summer are opportune times for home upgrades and DIY projects. If you’re planning to make improvements to your home, consider upgrades that promote better efficiency. Here are a few projects that can help you save energy and money –– and increase the comfort of your home. Installing a smart thermostat is one of… Continue reading.
Director receives CCD certificate
Robin Roberts recently received the Credentialed Cooperative Director certificate from the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). This program includes the completion of five courses dedicated to understanding the skills needed to benefit the director’s electric cooperative and its members. We would like to congratulate Roberts on his accomplishment and thank him for his dedication… Continue reading.
Tree trimming to be completed in 2023
At Marshall County REMC, we strive to provide reliable power by keeping power lines clear in the rights-of-way (ROW). Through vegetation management, we are better able to prepare for future weather events and secure the reliability of the grid. Strategic tree trimming also reduces the frequency of downed lines causing power outages. The map to… Continue reading.
Power Shift
Wi-Fi Thermostat Program When everyone’s using electricity during the hottest days of the year, wholesale power supply costs can go up, and that can eventually cause higher costs for everyone. When you enroll in the PowerShift® Wi-Fi Thermostat Program, you agree to allow brief, small adjustments to your residential thermostat during times of peakelectric demand. … Continue reading.