Clark County REMC
Clark County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Sellersburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Clark County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Investing in our future
While many children of all ages were relieved to be out of school for the summer, there were several deserving students from Hoosier Energy member cooperatives who were looking ahead to the 2023-24 school year. That’s because a total of 14 cooperatives, 13 in the state of Indiana, awarded scholarships to 90 students this year,… Continue reading.
You can make a difference
Community. It’s the place you call home. It’s where you raise your kids and buy your groceries. Community is made of that special blend of family and neighbors, sports and churches, fond memories and bright futures. At Clark County REMC, we have been focused on the importance of our community for the last 84 years…. Continue reading.
REMC lineman volunteers for Project Indiana program
In the Guatemalan village of Peña Roja, the friendliest people Nathan Clayton could imagine greeted himwith grateful smiles every morning. Clayton was one of 14 lineworkers selected from Indiana electric cooperatives to continue Project Indiana’s mission to bring electricity to developing remote areas of Guatemala. For four years, Clayton has been a journeyman lineman at… Continue reading.
Giving back: Community Impact Week
Hoosier Energy’s first-ever Community Impact Week saw 25% of the cooperative’s workforce participate over the course of the event in Bloomington this spring. The first in a variety of projects involved volunteering with Backpack Buddies, a program through Community Kitchen that puts together bags of food for low-income children to take home on the weekends…. Continue reading.
Do we owe you money?
The following listing represents account balance and capital credit refund checks issued to current or former members of the REMC which remain unclaimed at the current time. This listing includes the name, last known city and state of residence, and amount due to the member. If you are entitled to claim any of the following… Continue reading.
2023 Jamboree Highlights
The 2023 REMC Jamboree (formerly known as the Annual Meeting) was a success. Over 1,000 members attended to enjoy the band, youth activities both indoors and out, as well as a live line demonstration performed by Clark County REMC linemen. We heard a lot of positive feedback that we will incorporate into future events. Thank… Continue reading.
Calendar Art Contest Winners Announced
Congratulations to the area winners of the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest sponsored by Indiana’s electric cooperatives, Indiana Connection magazine and Indiana Electric Cooperatives. Winners will have their artwork featured in the 2024 calendar which will be published in the fall.
Hoosier Energy 2023 Annual Meeting Recap
The utility industry and the issues impacting it are ever evolving, and as of late, ever more complicated. Hoosier Energy fittingly used the theme of “Complex Issues. Cooperative Solutions.” for its 2023 annual meeting in April. With all 18 member cooperatives represented, though some less so due to recent storms at the time, a variety… Continue reading.