Call us before signing on the dotted line

Posted on Aug 07 2022 in Clark County REMC
Family with solar

Your cooperative understands the desire for options when it comes to the type of energy that powers your home. Solar has become very attractive for many of our member-consumers. Interest in green energy sources and renewables is at an all-time high. 

Before you decide to invest in solar and sign a contract with a solar contractor, give your co-op a call. This five-minute call will ensure that you are making an informed decision and know the requirements before you sign. These requirements include signing an interconnection agreement, insurance documentation, payment of applicable fees, and an annual account management fee. An investment of this size deserves careful research. 

Clark County REMC wants to help you take the best approach to solar for your home and budget. After all, your cooperative has a different “bottom line” that is not directly tied to selling a product or service. We are committed to helping you find affordable, reliable and safe energy options.