Harrison REMC employees and directors would like to thank everyone who attended the 86th Annual Meeting of Harrison REMC!
Despite the impending storms, many members attended the Annual Meeting event on May 8 at the Harrison County fairgrounds. Members played bingo, visited booths, and enjoyed some food and ice cream.
The children had a good time creating and taking home a solar light jar. The REMC offered a drive-thru voting event on May 9 at the office in Corydon.
It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces at both events. A total of 1,445 registered members attended the two 2024 Annual Meeting options.
No opposing candidate petitions were received for any of the 2024 election districts. David Poe (District 1), Danny Wiseman (District 8) and Roy Zimmerman (District 9) were seated for another three years.
The Annual Meeting video and financials are available to view on the website.
Thank you to all the members who participated in this year’s Annual Meeting.

It was a great crowd at the fairgrounds for the Annual Meeting.

Accounting Assistant Lexie Knear and Member Service Representative Sara Perkins register members at the fairgrounds.

Board President David Poe begins the short business meeting.

Energy Advisor Nick Geswein talks with a member.

Harrison REMC directors visit with members.