Annual Meeting Minutes: April 18, 2019

Posted on Jun 05 2020 in Southern Indiana Power

Annual Meeting Registration

Registration for the annual meeting of Southern Indiana Power began at 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, 2019 at the Spencer County 4-H Youth & Community Center with the business meeting starting at 7 p.m.
Each member attending received a commemorative water bottle.


A BBQ sandwich or a hot dog, chips and a cookie were available for members from 5 to 7 p.m. Soft drinks, ice cream and popcorn were also available.

Children’s activities included bucket truck demonstrations, horse/pony rides, inflatables and face painting.

Bingo was played prior to the meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. Winners received an energy efficiency kit.

Opening and welcome

The national anthem was played. Steve Seibert, president and CEO, led the meeting by saying the Pledge of the Allegiance.

Call of Meeting to Order

Chairman Jeff Vogel called the 2019 Southern Indiana Power annual meeting to order and thanked the members for their attendance.

Vogel introduced Pastor Kevin Smigielski of Cornerstone United Methodist Church in Chrisney for the invocation. Vogel introduced the present board of directors, their spouses and all out of town guests.

Reading of Notice of Meeting & Proof of Mailing

Attorney Chris Goffinet reported more than a quorom of members was present. With 424 members registered, enough members were present to legally conduct any and all business that might be brought before the meeting.

Approval of 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Vogel said the 2018 annual meeting minutes were distrubuted to members at registration. Therefore, in the interest of time, a motion was properly made, seconded and carried to dispense with the reading of the 2018 minutes.

Vogel then asked for any additions or corrections to the minutes. There being no additions or corrections, a motion was properly made, seconded and carried that the minutes of the 2018 Annual Meeting be approved as published.

Election of Directors

Vogel called upon Goffinet to conduct the election of the directors. He stated district 1 incumbent Jeff Vogel and district 2 incumbent Philip Meyer both filed for re-election without opposition. There were four nominations for District 7 — Larry Meyer, Andrea Schaeffer, David Lynch and Raymond James. Goffinet introduced the candidates and appointed the following persons to the election committee: Kevin Wilkinson, Ronnie Begle, Randy Rennie, Bruce Knox, Darren Bettag and Stan Steckler. After voting, the ballots were tabulated by the election committee.

Financial Report

Vogel called upon Earl Ridlen, CPA, CGMA with LWG, Indianapolis, Indiana, for the financial report. Ridlen reviewed and explained the financial condition of the cooperative.

A motion was properly made, seconded and carried that the financial condition of the cooperative.

Vogel then turned the meeting over to Seibert.

CEO Report

Seibert thanked everyone for helping to celebrate the co-op’s 80th anniversary. He then spoke on several topics including safety and the capital credit retirement program, noting that since 2012, the co-op has returned nearly $6 million in capital credits to member-owners.

Seibert then discussed the co-op’s goal to provide reliable power to all members and reviewed the 2019-2022 four-year work plan. Seibert continued with discussions of a cost of service study that revealed no need for a rate increase at this time. He added Hoosier Energy’s rate forecast is showing rate stability over the next 5 years.

In conclusion, Seibert informed members the co-op is in the process of developing strategies with PSC to deilver high-speed internet to our unserved members. Seibert showed an industry update video before turning the meeting over to Director Gary Waninger, chairman of the Operation Round Up board of trustees.

Operation Round Up Grant Disbursements

G. Waninger presented checks to Operation Round Up grant recipients and then turned the meeting over to Vogel.

Election Results

The election committee reported the results of the election. The winners were: District 1, Jeff Vogel; District 2, Philip Meyer; and District 7, David Lynch.


Vogel thanked members for attending the meeting and wished them good luck with the prize drawings. 

With no further business, Vogel asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. A motion  to close the meeting was properly made, seconded and carried. The meeting was adjourned by Vogel at 8:05 p.m.

Awarding of attendance prizes

The awarding of one $500 and four $250 grand prizes, 20 $50 cash prizes and two children’s prizes concluded the meeting.