By Emily Schilling
With the preponderance of pink surrounding us this month, there’s no doubt that it’s October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Most everyone has been affected by cancer — either they have battled the disease or have family members or friends who have battled the disease.
On this month’s Reader Submissions page, we salute cancer survivors who our readers have told us about. We wish them all continued good health and thank them for allowing us to spotlight them.
Those of you with friends or family members who are beginning their cancer journeys often wonder what they can do to comfort their loved ones. Prayers and hugs are always appreciated. So are care kits — baskets or boxes of thoughtful items that come in handy during cancer treatment.
Care kits can be personalized to meet the needs of your specific loved one. However, here are some items you might want to include:
• Socks and/or a blanket because it can be cold in the doctors’s office or during treatment.
• Bottled water because it’s important to stay hydrated.
• Hard candy to combat the bad taste in your mouth caused by chemo.
• Lip balm since treatment can cause dry lips.
• Bath items. A warm, relaxing bath is well-deserved — especially now.
• A crossword puzzle, word search or Sudoku book. Something to keep the mind occupied in the waiting room or during treatment.
• A journal to record personal thoughts or to keep track of treatment appointments.
Do you know someone who could use a care kit?
EMILY SCHILLING is editor of Electric Consumer