REMC launches My Solar program for its members

Posted on May 23 2019 in Clark County REMC


It’s hard to believe that summer is almost here. But since the sun is shining and the temperatures are rising, I want to let you know about a great new opportunity we are bringing our members. Beginning this month, we are launching My Solar, a community solar project in partnership with Hoosier Energy.

My Solar lets you take advantage of the solar energy being produced each day, without you having to install a single panel at your house. Clark County REMC is responsible for all of the costs to maintain the solar array. You aren’t responsible for permits, maintenance, insurance, installation or anything else. No damage to your roof. No costly repairs after a hail storm. No clearing your property of shade trees. It’s all the benefit of solar power without any of the risks.

There are two ways for you to join My Solar. First, we have an Upfront Payment option. You make a one-time payment of $500 to “buy” a panel. And on each monthly bill you will get a credit of 5 ½ cents per kilowatt-hour, based on how much each solar panel produces. Over time you can really see the savings add up.

We also have a Fixed Rate option. You pay nothing upfront. Instead, we add a small monthly charge of 1 cent per kilowatt-hour, based on how much each panel produces. It’s so inexpensive, you could benefit from the power of solar energy for less than a dollar per month!

Call our office or stop by if you have questions. With programs like My Solar, we think the future is bright indeed!