2022 Annual Meeting Report

Posted on Mar 04 2023 in Clark County REMC

When preparations for the 2022 annual membership meeting had to be made, it was questionable whether the meeting date would be subject to a COVID-19 public health emergency declaration. Because of lingering health hazard concerns, REMC was prevented from planning an indoor gathering. However, as a way to engage members “in-person,” a drive-thru voting option supplemented the electronic and mail-in voting as allowed by the bylaws. The drive-thru event was held at Silver Creek High School where on-site membership verification and voting registration took place. 

Members were given an opportunity to safely interact with Directors and Director candidates and to observe heavy REMC line maintenance equipment. A large American flag suspended from bucket trucks greeted members as they approached five separate voting lines. The business portion of the meeting was presented via video online and posted on the co-op’s website.

The election of Directors for Districts 1 and 2 was on the ballot. This report serves as the record of the election results for 2022, in place of in-person meeting minutes.

Prior to voting, the following persons were nominated by written petition signed by a minimum of fifteen (15) members, after their nominations were certified by the Credentials and Election Committee:

In District 1 the nominees were Amberley Kendall and Mark McNeely.

In District 2 the sole nominee was incumbent Director Steven G. Dieterlen.

The 2022 election results were prepared, certified and notarized by Survey and Ballot Systems (SBS), an independent third-party company hired by REMC to conduct the electronic vote, the early paper ballot voting and the in-person drive-thru voting. It was reported that there were 23,495 members eligible to vote in the 2022 election. In order to have a valid election, a quorum consisting of one-fiftieth of the membership must cast their ballots. REMC had 20% voter participation — a clear quorum — with 4,878 members voting. The officers of the Credentials and Election Committee certified the election results and declared the following winners:

In District 1, Amberley Kendell was elected to a three-year term as Director.

In District 2, Steven G. Dieterlen was elected to a three-year term as Director.

REMC will resume in-person annual meetings in the future unless prevented by public health and safety or other emergency circumstances.

Old Business

In reviewing the 2022 annual meeting minutes, found above, we found no unfinished or old business. If a member has any concern or suggestion to bring to the board of directors, please call our office during business hours. Topics must be reported to the Clark County REMC office no later than March 25, 2023, to be discussed at the April board meeting.