Miami-Cass REMC Youth Tour delegates Avery Heishman, Kayla Kraning and Madison Vance pose in front of the White House.
Miami-Cass REMC sponsored three students on the Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., this June. The trip provided young Hoosiers the opportunity to visit the nation’s capital, learn about government, experience American history and gain a better understanding about their electric cooperative and our government.
Area students participating on the trip were Avery Heishman, Kayla Kraning and Madison Vance.
A delegation of 100 Indiana students representing 34 Indiana electric cooperatives went on the trip. More than 1,800 students from 46 states traveled to D.C. for the week-long experience.
“Miami-Cass REMC is pleased to provide this opportunity for our local youth,” said Rob Schwartz, Miami-Cass REMC CEO. “It’s a great trip and a wonderful chance to see the sights, make new friends and learn how everyone, even young people, can make a difference in the political process.”
Students who participated on the trip visited the Flight 93 Memorial, Gettysburg Battlefield, Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian museums, National Mall memorials, and the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Delegates also took a night cruise on the Potomac River and much more.
The Indiana Youth Tour students also participated in a youth rally, during which they shared their thoughts and opinions on a variety of timely issues. The rally prepared the students for a day on Capitol Hill, where they had an opportunity to meet with members of Indiana’s congressional delegation.
An application for the 2019 Indiana Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., will be available early next year for interested students.