Working Together to Improve Grid Reliabiity

Posted on Oct 07 2023 in Kankakee Valley REMC

As more of our country’s electricity is generated from renewable resources, it creates more challenges during extreme weather. December 2022 brought sub-zero temperatures around Christmas. Thousands of people in the electric industry spent their holiday making sure Midwesterners had electricity to cook meals and enjoy time together as a family. In the south, the Tennessee Valley Authority had to implement controlled power interruptions because of cold temperatures in order to protect the electric grid. PJM Interconnection, serving the eastern part of the country, asked customers to limit their electric use to avoid further issues.

Recently, hot temperatures in August strained the grid, and while we came away unaffected, there was very little excess power in the Midwest. In Texas, customers have frequently been asked to use less electricity due to the heat, and a few years ago, California experienced rolling blackouts due to insufficient power supply.

Kankakee Valley REMC and our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance (WVPA), are working hard to ensure you have the reliable electricity you expect, even on the hottest and coldest days.


  • Coordinating with WVPA, ACES Power Marketing and MISO (our regional transmission operator) to stay up to date on grid conditions and weather predictions during extreme weather.
  • Participating in summer and winter preparation meetings to review a plan we jointly follow during extreme weather.
  • Partnering with our local businesses to potentially use less electricity during extreme weather.


  • Sign up for Kankakee Valley REMC’s PowerShift program, which allows us to temporarily raise the temperature of your Wi-Fi thermostat (summer) or cycle your water heater and/or air conditioners off for a short time to save energy.
  • Delay using large electrical appliances that use electricity until later in the evening in the summer months.
  • Follow us on social media and watch for instructions during extreme weather.

If we all work cooperatively, it goes a long way in helping with the electric grid’s reliability. Thank you for being a member of Kankakee Valley REMC.