Summer is ending and fall is right around the corner. It’s the time of year when I like to share with you some of the ways Clark County REMC engages our communities and celebrates the co-op spirit. With the uncertainties of the COVID pandemic, we were not able to bring our bucket truck to the Clark County 4-H fair, or send local students to Touchstone Energy Camp or to Washington, D.C. But there are still plenty of opportunities to contribute to our shared communities.
As I shared last month, our Lend A Hand program is going strong, with more than $25,000 in donations received to help members in need. The board of directors also recently approved to continue matching all member donations, up to $10,000 in 2021. Beginning in October, members can receive a free energy kit in exchange for canned food and non-perishable items to support our local food banks this fall and winter. Next month we will also celebrate Co-op Month with free cookouts on Fridays and a fun family event at the end of the month. More details will be available in the October issue.
As a cooperative, we want to be more than just an electric company. We want to serve and support the families and businesses where we live and work, so we try to give back as often as we can. We’ve been through a lot over the last 18 months, and it appears there is still more difficulty ahead. But we have made it this far by working together, helping our neighbors, and doing what’s best for our fellow man.