The power to save

Posted on Dec 30 2022 in Boone REMC

As your local electric cooperative, Boone REMC is dedicated to finding ways to save energy. We offer two energy-monitoring options. 

Load control switches
Load control switches monitor energy usage throughout our territory and automatically switch off high-use equipment when demand spikes. Boone REMC offers load control switches for electric water heaters at no charge. 

Most people don’t even notice when it’s been activated. Signing up for our load control switch program gives you the power to help your cooperative conserve energy and help hold down costs. 

Sense energy monitors
Sense monitors detect and record energy use in real-time. Boone REMC offers members three months of using the device at your location for no charge. Our energy advisors use the data to help members better understand how they are consuming electricity and how they can conserve. 

Sense monitor