Thanks for a great annual meeting!

Posted on Apr 19 2017 in Clark County REMC


One of my favorite events of the year is the annual meeting. This year marked the 78th annual meeting and it was held on April 8. We are unpacking, taking notes on ways to improve, and already planning for 2018. It takes a lot of time and hard work by each of the employees and directors to hold a great event like this. A big thank you goes out to the employees for keeping the members in mind when planning for an event like this. This meeting is for you and we want to you have an enjoyable experience.

I want to thank all 1,500 members who attended this year’s meeting. Every year I look forward to catching up with old friends and meeting new friends. It is hard to believe that Clark County REMC first began in 1939. We still value the same mission 78 years later, which is to efficiently deliver safe, reliable electric service to our members.

We had some very special guests join us this year, including retired directors, retired employees and attendees from all over the state, including other cooperatives, Hoosier Energy and Indiana Electric Cooperatives. I always look forward not only to seeing our members but the special guests that take time to visit our fun-filled event.

At the annual meeting this year, we featured a booth for members to take a survey. We received great feedback on what members think about the annual meeting. As always, Silly Safaris Inc. was a huge hit with all ages as was The Paul Penny Band.

Thank you to all who made a difference by attending the meeting and taking part in the election. I would like to congratulate and welcome John Biesel for district number three as well as Paul Graf on his re-election to district number six and Derrick Vogt for his re-election in district number seven. We look forward to working with each of them during their three-year term.

We were also pleased to provide members attending the meeting with a $10 bill credit and a 30-oz. tumbler. Your REMC gave away many other great prizes, including a 50-gallon State hybrid water heater with installation. Make sure to look inside the issue of Electric Consumer for photos of the lucky winners at the meeting!

DAVID A. VINCE is general manager at Clark County REMC.