PPEC CEO George Carter had the honor and privilege to assist laying the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown.
- Avangrid Renewables
- Grover Hill Community
- Haviland Drainage Products Co.
- Ann and Dan Goyings Farms
- Darrell Pease Memorial
- Darwin and Ursula Riley
- Jan Hubbard family
U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly made a special visit for the
veterans at the World War II Memorial.Defiance Area Foundation
- Dilly Door Co. and employees
- Dynegy-Richland Stryker Generation
- First Federal Bank
- George and Debra Carter
- Herbert E. Orr Company
- Herman Hesselschwardt #758 Detachment of the Marine Corps League
- Kahle and Verhoff Construction, LLC
- Nolan and LaDonna Shisler
- Ohio State Eagles
- Paulding Chapter OAPSE
- Paulding County Veterans Services
- Paulding Schools
- Payne Elementary
- Redeemer Lutheran Church
- State Bank and Trust
- Veterans of Foreign Wars — VFW Post 3360
- Whirlpool Corporation

The heroes on the Sept. 22 flight included 39 Korean War veterans, 38 World War II veterans and one Vietnam veteran.
- Antwerp VFW
- Antwerp VFW Men’s Auxiliary Post 5087
- Antwerp Root Beer Stand
- Bashore Reineck Stoller and Waterman, Inc.
- Baughman Tile Company
- Dave and Jane Nice
- Eaton Corporation
- Ed Schlatter
- Gary and Vicki McClure
- Grover Hill Lions Club
- Grover Hill VFW Post 2873
- James and Tamera Stoller
- Jay Dangler Excavating LTD
- Kalida Telephone Company
- KG Lawn Services –— Mike Bok
Mark Wannemacher Family
- Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church
- NetGain Information Systems
- Paulding Co. Senior Center
- Paulding Courthouse Employees
- Paulding VFW
- Rex and Teresa Williamson
- Robert Sinn
- Stahl Stoller Meyer Insurance
- Van Wert County Farm Bureau
- Vietnam Veterans of America — Defiance
- Wilma L. Ramsey