Summary of board’s special meeting

Posted on Mar 03 2023 in Decatur County REMC

NOTE: Board meeting minutes are available on our website,, once approved. 

The meeting, held on Jan. 5, 2023, was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting.

All board members were present. Also present were CEO Brett Abplanalp and employees Matt Raver and Jennie Meyer.

Upon motion made by Jason Barnhorst, seconded by Jeff Lawrence, and carried, the agenda was approved unanimously.

The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss and potentially approve the 2023 budget.

After some discussion, Dale Wernke made the motion to approve the budget that was updated as of Dec. 28, 2022; it was seconded by Jason Barnhorst and failed with a four-to-four vote. Steve AmRhein, Dale Wernke, Brian Scheidler and Jason Barnhorst were in favor. Suzanne Parmer, Jeff Lawrence, Carl Riedeman and Clay Nuhring were opposed.

The board then went into executive session at 7:26 p.m. and came back to regular session at 8:03 p.m.

Dale Wernke made the motion to approve the budget that was updated as of Dec. 28, 2022; it was seconded by Jason Barnhorst. Suzanne Parmer made the amendment to include actual year-end numbers being given to the board after the year is closed and to have management seek board approval on any capex projects that go over 10% of the budgeted amount excluding new service and service upgrades. Brian Scheidler seconded the amendment. The motion and amendment were approved with Steve AmRhein, Suzanne Parmer, Brian Scheidler, Dale Wernke and Clay Nuhring approving and Jeff Lawrence, Jason Barnhorst and Carl Riedeman dissenting.

Upon motion made by Carl Riedeman, seconded by Suzanne Parmer, and carried, the meeting was adjourned to executive session to discuss legal matters at 8:19 p.m.