Summary of board’s meeting in July

Posted on Nov 15 2018 in Decatur County REMC
  • Chairman Tom Crowe called the July 26, 2018, meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting.
  • All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp, and DCREMC personnel Karen Forshee, Shawn Matthews, and Jeanne Loechle. Larry Feltner of Prime Group, LLC was also present.
  • Upon motion by Steve AmRhein, seconded by Michael Brelage, and carried, the agenda of the meeting was approved by unanimous vote.
  • DCREMC Human Resources Manager and Executive Secretary Jeanne Loechle gave an overview of her duties and responsibilities at DCREMC highlighting her role in assisting the CEO, benefits administration, HR compliance and workers compensation. Currently, Loechle is focusing on the following projects: health insurance benefits for employees, implementing new core competencies, and forming SOPs for performance reviews and cross training.
  • The financial report was given by Forshee and reviewed on Call to Order. She reported that controllable expenses are still running higher than budget, but the latest estimate (LE) indicates by year end, operating margins will be on track with the budget. It was also noted that there have been 52 new services for a total of $235,000 and 46 unplanned pole replacements which have increased investment in distribution plant for the year.
  • Larry Feltner of Prime Group, LLC, presented a proposal for a new rate design to the board based on fairness, equity, and cost causation. After discussion and review, the board asked Feltner to present a proposed flat seasonal rate for the three new commercial classes to avoid seasonal peak charges for those members. Feltner will present this information at a later date.
  • Matthews, DCREMC engineering and operation planning manager, presented proposed changes to the current line extension policy. He identified and reviewed 10 gaps, opportunities, and proposals as well as changes to Rule 25, Policy 2-1, and Policy 2-3, Rules and Standards.
  • Upon motion by Jason Barnhorst, seconded by Lawrence Young, and carried, the proposed changes to Rule 25, Policy 2-1, and Policy 2-3 were approved as prepared by unanimous vote. Upon motion by Lawrence Young, seconded by Dale Wernke, and carried, line extensions true-ups due July 26, 2018 and prior will be foregone, with the exception of the two members who are due a credit (credit will be refunded to those members). The new line extension policy and protocol will begin July 27, 2018. Motion carried by unanimous vote. Upon motion made by Lawrence Young, seconded by Michael Brelage, and carried, the consent agenda of the meeting was approved by unanimous vote.
  • Hoosier Energy report was given by Tom Crowe. He reported that Donna Walker has been named the new CEO and will take over in mid-November. There will be a strategic planning meeting held Aug. 6 and 7 in French Lick. Upon general consensus of the directors, DCREMC will attend the fall tours of Hoosier Energy on Oct. 3.
  • Top Ten project list update was given by Abplanalp. 1) Rate design and
    the Cost of Service Study, 2) Health insurance quotes for DCREMC employees will be in by Oct. 1, 3) IT lifecycle management and security, 4) Member contact tracking will be implemented Aug. 1 ahead of schedule, 5) Strategic planning event will be held Aug. 30 and 31. Tom VanParis of IEC will be the facilitator.

Old Business:

  • Upon motion by Michael Brelage, seconded by Jeff Lawrence, and carried, Ellen Davis was elected to represent District 8 of DCREMC Community Trust, passed by unanimous vote.

New Business:

  • Abplanalp reviewed the 2017 IEC billing survey.
  • A strategic planning meeting will be held at IEC for all DCREMC management and directors Aug. 30-31.
  • There will be an employee appreciation day scheduled for the end of August.
  • Upon motion by Lawrence Young, seconded by Brian Scheidler, and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.