Spring tree safety

Posted on Feb 19 2018 in Decatur County REMC

As the weather begins to warm up, kids and adults alike will soon head outside to play and perform winter clean up. Before you do, remember to look up and be alert for power lines and other electrical hazards. Follow these important safety steps:

  • If a tree branch or tree breaks off and lands on an electric line, causing a dangerous situation, call Decatur County REMC immediately. Do not touch the branch, tree or wire or try to remove it with an object.
  • Don’t cut down trees or branches near power lines.
  • Stay clear of power lines when removing any object caught in a tree.
  • Power lines are not insulated. If you touch a power line, you will be severely injured or killed. Always assume a power line is energized and dangerous.
  • Make sure children do not climb trees that are anywhere near overhead power lines
  • If power lines run through your trees, call Decatur County REMC. Professional tree trimmers with proper protective equipment can trim branches safely.
  • Before you plant a tree, look up to see if it will grow too close to overhead lines as it matures.
  • Three working days before planting or doing other digging projects, always call 811 toll-free before you dig. This service is free.