Special board meeting in November

Posted on Jan 05 2021 in Decatur County REMC

The meeting was opened by Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting.

All members were present. Brelage, Suzanne Parmer, Steve AmRhein, Jeff Lawrence and Carl Riedeman attended in person, and Scheidler, Jason Barnhorst and Dale Wernke attended virtually. Also attending were CEO Brett Abplanalp and Crystal Greathouse in person, and Eric Busch, Jeanne Loechle, and Rachel Sullivan attended virtually.

There was considerable discussion on how to handle the cash/margin surplus options from the October board meeting. Parmer rescinded her original motion to give a $50 COVID-19 relief credit that will be applied to every member’s bill contingent on legal advice, and $21,185 for right-of-way mowing and made a new motion to give a COVID-19 relief credit that is equal to one month’s service availability fee by meter to be applied to the December 2020 bills. It was seconded by Lawrence and carried with Wernke opposed.

Upon motion made by Scheidler, seconded by AmRhein and carried, $21,185 for right-of-way mowing was approved with Lawrence and Riedeman opposed.

Upon motion made by Lawrence, seconded by Riedeman and carried, the meeting was adjourned to executive session at 8:04 p.m.