Miami-Cass REMC will grant eight $500 scholarships this year at its annual meeting on July 25. Any member who meets a few simple qualifications, completes a simple entry form (available at mcremc.coop/content/scholarship) and submits it to the REMC by July 15 will be eligible to win.
Qualifications are as follows:
- Recipient must be enrolled and attend any two-year, four-year or technical school as a full-time student.
- Recipient or parents/guardians must be a member of Miami-Cass REMC.
- Recipient, spouse, or parent/guardian must be present at the annual meeting on July 25 at the Peru High School to be eligible to receive a scholarship.
- A student is not eligible if he/she has previously been awarded a scholarship by Miami-Cass REMC.
- All applications must be postmarked or delivered to the Miami-Cass REMC office by July 15.
During the annual meeting, eight names will be drawn for the scholarships. Again, the recipient or an approved representative must be present at the meeting during the drawing to be eligible for the scholarship.
If you have any questions, contact Kim Burton by calling the REMC office at 765-473-6668 or by emailing him at kimb@mcremc.coop.